"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."


Things to do in Colombia when you're a twin teenage detective

Ran into this online, thought it was obnoxious, put it on the blog. You know the drill.

About this title: The Parker twins travel to Colombia, where their Uncle Pete is kidnapped
by Colombian guerrillas. The twins must decide whether they can trust a new friend, and find
Uncle Pete before a nearby volcano erupts.

Link/Enlace (inglés)

Lo encontré online, me pareció raro, lo coloqué en el blog. Sabés como es eso. El libro, "Capturado en Colombia" de la serie de los Mellizos Parker (aparentemente para adolescentes), es descrito así: "Los mellizos Parker viajan a Colombia, donde su Tío Pete es secuestrado por la guerrilla colombiana. Los mellizos tienen que decidir si pueden confiar en un nuevo amigo, y encontrar al Tío Pete antes que estalle un volcán cercano.

Product Details
Title: Captured in Colombia (Parker Twins Series, The)
Author(s): Jeanette Windle
Media: Book (Paperback)
Edition: 1
Publisher: Kregel Publications
Publication Date: June 20, 2002
ISBN: 0825441471
ISBN-13: 978-0825441479
Pages: 160
Dimensions: 0.0" high x 5.0" wide x 8.0" deep


Anonymous said...

they had to add a volcano to the mix?!

mbq said...

I know, right? They might have well have thrown in the burundanga zombie drug (http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=1119242704)
and the mule-fucking (http://www.vbs.tv/video.php?id=823484631) for good measure.