"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."


Conference - 19th Century Latin America

Common Vocabularies, Different Perspectives: New
Political History on Nineteenth Century Latin America

Columbia University, New York City, May 4-5, 2007

This symposium will bring together historians
from Latin America and the United States to
present some of the most exciting current
research within Latin American history. Recent
political historiography, particularly that of
the turbulent decades after independence, has
been characterized by innovative approaches to
old questions about nation building,
institutional legitimacy, and political culture.
Panels will highlight prominent conceptual
categories such as hegemony and subalternity,
state-formation, the public sphere and civil
society, liberalism and republicanism.
Participants will address key approaches to questions of political
culture, elite and popular politics, and the
connections of political history to intellectual, cultural, and social history.

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