"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."
El pop colombiano actual
Buenaventura in AP/Buenaventura en prensa internacional

The Associated Press just ran a story on violence in Buenaventura. Note the typical tropes: the squlidness of children playing in the mud and the priest teaching (folkloric?) music to kids as an alternative to violence. Still, it's important that Buenaventura is on the radar.
La organización periodística mudial Associated Press acaba de distribuir un artículo (en inglés) sobre violencia en Puerto (Lleras, específicamente). Utiliza los tropos típicos para representarlo: los pelaos jugando en el barro y el sacerdote enseñándoles música (folklórica?) como alternativa a la violencia. De todas maneras, importante que Buenaventura esté en el radar.
Por falta de dinero, colegio de Patía (Cauca) tiene una banda de tarros que toca reguetón y cumbia
Forget rule of law, income distribution or social justice, turning guns into guitars will solve Colombia's violence

This iss typical cockamammy Colombian cultural policy. Prettify things, sweep the violence under the rug, ignore any practical solutions for addressing the violence, and expect this kind of hokey cheap symbolic peace PR to solve everything. Violence, I'm sorry, is a lot more deeply-rooted than a lack of guitars or a preponderence of guns, and this kind of thing, while it might seem innocuous, is actually harmful in the way that it disctracts people's attention from more fundamental ways of trying to address this situation. (Notice that the picture of the guy who invented the rifle-guitar is of a middle-class white guy, which is its own way of brushing inequality under the rug.) This is a very typical usage of music in Colombian cultural policy, as you'll all see in an article that will be coming out fairly soon in the Iberian Society for Ethnomusicology's journal TRANS. The sad part is that, according to the article, this is being taken up by the UN, whcih should know better. Of course, the status of the UN in Colombia is often up fpr grabs, President Uribe has made it difficult for them to work there, at least as far as human rights stuff goes, and there have been quite a few changes in leadership and personnel in the UN High Comission for Human Rights.
Obtuse definition "terrorism" makes asylum difficult for immigrants to get.
Malicia indígena
Boxeador colombiano una berraquera
Edison Miranda, un boxeador porteño, es rápido y agresivo, con unas manos poderosas por ser peso mediano. En su última pelea, le dio el man (Gibbs de Filadelfia) el noqout - en la primera ronda, y no por primera vez. Se están oyendo comparaciones con un Tyson de peso mediano. En este video, Mirando le rompe la quijada a su oponente (Abraham, un alemán) pero le robaron la merecida victoria en decisión. Tiene 27 victorias, 24 con noqout, y ahora una derrota. Edison Miranda is a fast, aggressive boxer from Buenaventura with a powerful punch for a middleweight. His last fight, he knocked the poor guy out in Round 1, as he has done in the past. Middleweight Tyson comparisons have been made. This video is him up against this German guy - he broke the guy's jaw but was robbed the victory in decision. His record is like 27-1 with 24 KOs. |
Analysis of the Free Trade Agreement
Hard core right blog from the US discusses Colombia
Música colombiana en NY/NY Colombian music
Listen to a recent show by the group Coba here, starting more or less at 2:05:45.
Pillá un show reciente del grupo Coba acá, empezando más o menos en 2:05:45.
There's some pretty interesting stuff going on in the Big Apple these days - Chonta Records is booking tours, putting out records, and other interesting and positive things with the Colombian groups here in NY - check it out here.
Big scandal in Colombia
Indigenous people map their territories with GPS and Google Earth/Indígenas mapeando sus territorios con GPS y Google Earth
Hay algo raro aquí? No soy tan reaccionario pero hay algo aquí que me da vainita... de pronto que los indígenas actuén de patrulla fronteriza? O de pronto la misma idea de traducir lo que ellos ya saben a un medio que los blancos pueden entender y usar - o abusar (como la bio-piratería)?
Gaiteros de San Jacinto

Plata para Cartagena
La finalidad es blindar el 'Corralito de Piedra' de basuras, vendedores ambulantes, indigentes, prostitutas, raponeros y el desorden vehicular.
Paramilitary, parastate? Paramilitar, paraestado?
Xavante ringtone

The Xavante indigenous group of Brazil has stated selling traditional songs as ringtones, for lack of other economic possibilities. The point is not the "holy crap- the premodern and the postmodern!" or "the poor Indians are selling off their culture" or any of a number of other shocked responses. The interesting thing for me is that this example shows a delicate balance between respect for intellectual property (in this case, it would seem to be communal intellectual property) and the kind of file-share-friendly model of the Brazilian Ministry of Culture, headed by Gilberto Gil.
Here are the ring tones and cell phone wallpapers they are offering. There are also ring tones and wallpapers from a quilombola (Afro-Brazilian maroon/escaped slave) community here.
Los indígenas Xavante de Brasil están vendiendo cantos tradicionales como ringtones, por falta de otras posibilidades económicas. El punto no es "wow, los premoderno y los posmoderno, que cagada la globalización" o "pobre indios vendiendo su cultura" o otras respuestas sorprendidas o indignantes. Lo interesante de esto para mí es el delicado balance entre respeto a la propiedad intelectual (en este caso, p.i. comunal) y la noción de circulación abierta a través de la tecnología que ha propuesto el Ministerio de Cultura Brasileira, liderado por Gilberto Gil. Aquí están los ringtones y wallpapers de los Xavante. También hay una comunidad quilombola (afro-brasileira/palenquera) vendiendo ringtones y wall papers.
TLC firmado/Free Trade Agreement signed
BBC article
Artículo El Tiempo
Hoy se firmó el TLC entre Colombia y EE.UU, después de meses de negociaciones y protestas.
Islamic ringtones
Music or chant? Piousness or profanity? Technology or nature?
Música o rezo? Piedad o profanidad? Tecnología o naturaleza?
Marimba antigua/Old marimba # 1

Este imagen es el más antiguo que tenemos de la marimba en Colombia. Es de Barbacoas, en lo que hoy es el Departamento de Nariño, un pueblo que en su tiempo era bastante importante para la extracción de oro. El imagen es de la Comisión Corográfica de mediados del Siglo XIX. Lo interesante aquí es que el marimbero es blanco o mestizo. Esto sugiere que la música de marimba, aunque indudablemente de orígen africano (historiador Germán Patiño la cree indígena), sufrió varios procesos de sincretización, y a lo mejor llegó a ser una música popular entre la población general de la zona, aunque puede ser que fue popular sobre todo entre las clases populares, los esclavizados, y los negros libres. Pronto, la marimba entre los indígenas Cayapa...
Ethnographers on the dark side/Etnógrafos del diablo
These dudes do corporate ethnographies. So if this ethnomusicology thing doesn't work out for...
Jay-Z Versus the Sample Troll
The shady one-man corporation that's destroying hip-hop.
By Tim Wu
Posted Thursday, Nov. 16, 2006, at 1:50 PM ET
Last week, a mysterious company, Bridgeport Music Inc., sued hip-hop mogul Jay-Z, accusing him of breaking the law when he recorded his 2003 single "Justify My Thug." The song is an obvious nod to Madonna's "Justify My Love," but she is not the plaintiff. Instead, Bridgep! ort is suing because Jay-Z did something that is normal in hip-hop: sampling. He took a few notes, looped them in the background, and produced the tune. Bridgeport claims to own those notes, and is demanding a fortune in damages and a permanent ban on the distribution of the song.
Bridgeport is an unwelcome addition to the music world: the "sample troll." Similar to its cousins the patent trolls, Bridgeport and companies like it hold portfolios of old rights (sometimes accumulated in dubious fashion) and use lawsuits to extort money from successful music artists for routine sampling, no matter how minimal or unnoticeable. The sample trolls have already leveraged their position into millions in settlements and court damages, but that's not the real problem. The trolls are turning copyright into the foe rather than the friend of musical innovation. They are bad for everyone in the industry—includin! g the major labels. The sample trolls need to be stopped, either by Co ngress or by court rulings that establish sampling as a boon, not a burden, to creativity.
Bridgeport is a one-man corporation formed in 1969 and owned by a former music producer named Armen Boladian. It has no employees and no reported assets other than copyrights. Technically, Bridgeport is a "catalog company." Most catalog companies are in the relatively quiet business of licensing rights for television commercials, cover songs, and selling sheet music to interested fans. But Bridgeport has figured out a far more lucrative business model—trolling for sampling cash.
George Clinton is otherwise known as the King of Interplanetary Funk and, along with the late Rick James, the world's most famous funk musician. In the 1970s, Boladian and Bridgeport managed to seize most of the copyrights to Clinton's songs. How exactly they did so is highly disputed. However, in at least a few cases, Boladian assigned the copyrights to Bridgeport by writing a contract and then f! aking Clinton's signature (as described here). As Clinton put it in this interview, "he just stole 'em."
Bridgeport, if a thief, stole the winning ticket. The Clinton sounds it acquired went on to be among the most widely sampled in the rap music of the 1980s and 1990s. Sampling is as elemental to the genre as beats, beefs, or bragging, and Clinton's sonic creations were a major part of Public Enemy's debut, and were also used heavily by N.W.A., Dr. Dre, Biggie Smalls, and other rap pioneers. Often the sampling is virtually impossible to detect—listen to this sample in this N.W.A song.*
The rise of rap presented a golden oppor tunity for Bridgeport. After years of demanding fees, in 2001, Bridgeport launched nearly 500 counts of copyright infringement against more than 800 artists and labels. The company, suing in Nashville, Tenn., located every sample of Clinton or other owned copyrights it could find. It took the legal position that any sampling of a sound recording, no matter how minimal or unnoticeable, is still a violation of federal law. Imagine that the copyright owner of The Lord of the Rings had sued every fantasy book or magazine that dared used the words elf, orc, or troll. That gives you an idea of the magnitude of Bridgeport's campaign.
Since 2001, Bridgeport's shotgun approach has led to many dismissals and settlements, but also two major victories. First, in 2005, Bridgeport convinced Nashville's federal appellate court to buy into its copyright theory. In that case, Bridgeport Music v. Dimension Films, the defendants samp! led a single chord from the George Clinton tune "Get Off Your Ass and Jam," changed the pitch, and looped the sound in the background. (The result is almost completely unrecognizable—you can listen to it here). The Sixth Circuit created a rule: that any sampling, no matter how minimal or undetectable, is a copyright infringement. Said the court in Bridgeport, "Get a license or do not sample. We do not see this as stifling creativity in any significant way."
Then, in March of this year, Bridgeport cashed in. It convinced a court to enjoin the sales of the best-selling Notorious B.I.G. album Ready to Die for illegal sampling. A jury awarded Bridgeport more than $4 million in damages.
These troll lawsuits may sound unattractive. But is Bridgeport perhaps serving the goals of copyright—foste! ring creativity—in some less obvious way? One idea is that Bridgepor t is more Robin Hood than troll, stealing from lazy, rich rappers like Jay-Z to channel money back to deserving artists like George Clinton. That argument would make some sense if making rap music were easy, or if Clinton or other artists were in some way the beneficiary of the lawsuits. But neither is true. Bridgeport and other trolls do take from the rich. But they keep the money.
If the benefits are abstract, the costs imposed are obvious. Sample trolls have already changed the face of hip-hop. Early rap, like Public Enemy, combined and mixed thousands of sounds in a single album. That makes sense musically, but it doesn't make sense legally. Thousands or even hundreds of samples, under the Bridgeport theory, mean thousands of copyright clearances and licenses. Today, Public Enemy's breakout album, It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back, would cost millions to produce or, more likely, would never have been made at all.*
The kicker is that while sample trolls are bad for artists, they're also bad for mainstream record labels. Record labels want to get out new music at minimum cost. But if clearing rights in the Bridgeport world costs a fortune, production becomes that much more expensive, and innovative music that much riskier a bet.
What, if anything, can be done? In the big picture, copyright must continually work to ensure that the basic building blocks of creativity are available to artists and creators, especially as new forms of art emerge. We already know what this means for novelists: freedom to use facts, borrow stock characters (like Falstaff) and standard plots (the murder mystery). For filmmakers, it means the freedom to copy standard shots (like The Magnificent Seven's "establishment shot"). For rap music, it means the freedom to sample. Rap's constant reinvention and remixing of old sounds makes it what i! t is; now is the time for the copyright system to get that. Vibrant cu ltures borrow, remix and recast. Static cultures die.
Legal solutions to the sample-troll problem are relatively easy—much easier than fixing the patent-troll problem. First, there's only one appellate court, the 6th Circuit, that takes the ridiculous position that any sample, no matter how minimal, needs a license. Most copyright scholars think the decision is both activist and bogus—in the words of leading commentator William Patry, "Bridgeport is policy making wrapped up in a truncated view of law and economics." Other courts can easily counter Bridgeport. They just need to say that the infringement rules for sampling are the same rules that apply for the rest of copyright. Dumbledore may resemble Gandalf, but he's no infringement. Similarly, if you can't even recognize the original in a sample, it shouldn't violate federal law to use it.
Congress could also easily ! act against the sample trolls. All that is needed is a "sampling code": a single section of the law that declares the usage of some fixed amount of a sound recording, say, seven notes or less, to be no infringement of the copyright law. That would give artists a simple rule to live by, while still requiring licenses for big samples that would compete with the original. It's a win-win scenario. With a single line of code, Congress can make this problem go away.
In the end, it's probably wrong to suggest the sample trolls are evil or hate rap music. The trolls simply look for profit, like any business, and are rational and predictable, like the mold that grows on rotten meat. None of these problems would be quite so severe if artists actually controlled their own copyrights. George Clinton's copyrights end up blocking sampling, when he himself favors sampling. "When hip-hop came out," said Clinton in this interview with Rick Karr, "I was glad to hear it, especially when it was our songs—it was a way to get back on the radio."
Copyright is supposed to be the servant of artists, but today that is all too often just a pretense. The vast majority of the nation's valuable copyrights are owned not by creators, but by stockpilers of one kind or another, and Bridgeport is just a particularly pernicious example. We need better devices to keep the control of the most valuable of artist's rights with artists. For, to paraphrase Judge Learned Hand, copyright was born to protect and liberate musicians, but it all too often ends up enslaving them.
Click here to see the complaint in the Jay-Z case.
Correction, Nov. 16, 2006: The article originally and incorrectly stated that It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back was Public Enemy's first album. In fact, it ! was the group's second. (Return to the corrected sentence.)
Correction, Nov. 17, 2006: The article also originally misidentified a sample as from a Public Enemy song—it was from an N.W.A. song. (Return to the corrected sentence.)
Tim Wu is a professor at Columbia Law School and co-author of Who Controls the Internet?Article URL: http://www.slate.com/id/2153961/
Copyright 2006 Washing tonpost.Newsweek Interactive Co. LLC
Los colombianos ven a sus instituciones/Colombians take a look at their institutions

Según una reciente encuesta, en Semana, la popularidad de Uribe y las FF.AA. han caído mientras la de las ONGs de derechos humanos han subido, entre otros resultados. Una fotografía interesante de las actitudes de los colombianos. Véase también aqui.
According to a recent poll in Semana magazine, President Uribe's and the Armed Forces' popularity fell, while that of NGOs working with human rights rose, among other results. An interesting snapshot of the attitudes of Colombians. See here.

Movie workers on strike in Colombia/Huelga de trabajadores de película en Cartagena
Workers on the set in Cartagena of the film version of Gabriel García Márquez's "Love in Times of Cholera" are on strike because their employers call them "monkeys," "indians," and "ignorant," and, worse yet, make suspicious deductions from their paychecks. The best of all is the entertainingly obnoxious reader comments on ElTiempo.com (begging for an ethnography), like: "Don't worry, those people in the coast are lazy."
Punk rockers banned in Medellín/Punquetes "Odio a Botero" Prohibidos en Medellín
is offensive to the city where Fernando Botero, the famous painter of fatness (fat prists, fat kids, fat horses, fat fruit, fat houses, fat guitars) is from. Puh-leez, sometimes there's something very tetchy and kind of pathetic about Colombian - or is it just paisa? - nationalism.
A mi grupo punkero favorita de Colombia, Odio a Botero prohibieron, y despues permitieron su participación en festival del punk en Medellín por que a algunos paisitas no les gustó el nombrecito. Por Dios, a veces el nacionalismo Colombiano - o será nomás el paisa? - es un poco patético.
Antropólogo Clifford Geertz, 1926-2006

El eminente antropólogo Clifford Geertz ha muerto.
Ethno conference in Peru/Conferencia etnomusicológica en el Perú
Welcome to Peru
To The International Symposium 2007:
Unveiling Society’s Secrets: An In-Depth
Analysis of the Culture of the Americas
The International Symposium 2007, have the pleasure to salute you and invite you to participate in this important event that will take place in Miraflores, Lima, Peru, between the 14th to the 17th of February 2007. The new date of this Symposium includes paper presentation, invited speakers, and special discussion sessions.
The Graduate School of the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, as the organizing institution of the the Symposium, feels honoured of being able to receive Professors and Graduate students of the Américas and hopes to share four days of academic work and social encounter.
Keynote Address
by Dr. Ruth Shady, the World Famous Peruvian Archeologist who Discovered the Oldest City in the Americas: Caral, Peru
Keynote Speakers
Professor: Dr. Raul Romero. Ethnomusicology, Harvard University
Professor: Dr. Edyl Mego. Art. UNAM
Professor: Dr. Bartholomew C. Dean, Harvard University
Themes for the conference will focus primarily:
Andean Ethnomusicology
Peruvian pre-Hispanic Musical Instruments through Time
The oldest civilization of America: Caral, Peru
CALL FOR PAPERS (Spanish or English)
Proposals on any other topics relevant to the following fields are also welcome.
- Peruvian ethnomusicology.
- Peruvian pre-Hispanic musical instruments.
- Andean music ethnography
- Social use of the musical instruments from the Pre- Inca to the Inca times.
- Aesthetic valuation of the Peruvian pre-Hispanic musical instruments.
- Synchronous Study and social use of the musical instruments from Pre-Inca to the Inca times.
- Iconography in ceramic musical instruments of the pre-Columbian cultures.
- Iconography on the centuries old music of the Peruvian Andes to contemporary times.
- Andean popular dances.
- Caral Supe.
- Social anthropology, critical theory, kinship, politics, exchange, symbolic forms, social change/ development and human rights in Peruvian Amazonia.(Loreto/San Martin)
- Rights, power and cultural survival in Indigenous Amazonia..
- Amazonian Peoples: Cultural, medical and tradition survival.
- Kinship
- The Urarina People of Upper Amazonia
Organizing Committee:
Dr. Marcos Matos, Dean of Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Dr. Martha Irene Barriga Tello, Director of Post-Graduate School
of the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Lic. Esther Espinoza Espinoza, Professor Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Scientific Committee:
Dr. Raúl Romero Cevallos
Dr. Edyl Mego Benites
Dr. Bartholomew C. Dean.
Composer Maestro Enrique Iturriaga, ex director of the UNMSM School of Art and the National Conservatory of Music. Emeritus Professor at both Institutions.
Composer Maestro Seiji Asato Asato, Professor of National Conservatory of Music.
- The deadline for intent to participate is: November 30, 2006
- The deadline for submission of abstracts is: December 15, 2006 (*)
(*) Please see special instructions under Abstracts
Abstracts are welcome for oral presentation (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion). Please send 2 copies with your name and address via email to:
Dr. Marcos Goldfarb postgrado.symposium2007@yahoo.com
Dr. Martha Barriga Tello upg_l@hotmail.com
PLEASE NOTE: There is room for many individual proposals in special sessions, unrelated to the colloquia.
Organizing Institution:
Unidad de Post Grado de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Avenida Dos de Mayo 536, Miraflores 19, Lima, Peru
Symposium Details and Registration Form
Please click on the appropriate link below, which will give you further details on the Symposium, registering and accommodation.
Both the registration form and accommodation detail are available for you to download.
Contact people:
Please feel free to communicate with Dr. Marcos Goldfarb if you are interested in submitting an abstract for our Symposium: “Unveiling Society’s Secrets: An In-Depth Analysis of the Culture of the Americas”.
If your research is not related to the general themes but you might be interested in presenting an abstract at this conference, definitely see the list of other POSSIBLE TOPICS being held at the Symposium.
Coordinator academic and administrative affairs:
Dra. Martha Barriga Tello: Director of Post-Graduate School
of the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
e-mail: martha_barriga@yahoo.com.ar
Abstract information, Registration, Accomodation and Transport:
Dr. Marcos Goldfarb e-mail: inkanations@att.net and/or postgrado.symposium2007@yahoo.com
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
The UNMSM has been recognized throughout its 450 years in Peruvian history as an innovative, public institution that prepares the future leaders of this country. It was founded in 1551 and it is the oldest university in the world and the oldest in America. It was chartered by a royal decree signed by Charles I of Spain. Over 50,000 students who have participated in an extremely competitive entrance exam attend the UNMSM to persue degrees in over 100 academic fields.
Information on this website is preliminary, and is subject for change.
We also encourage everyone to book their lodgings as early as possible.
Before or after the conference there are many possibilities for excursions and visits:
1) A three nights four days group excursion to Cusco and Machu Picchu
2) A two days one night group excursion to Nazca Lines.
3) Museo de Arqueologia y Antropologia de San Marcos: La Casona de San Marcos
Meetings are open to professor and graduate students from all parts of the world without restriction. We welcome proposals that should not exceed 20 minutes in duration, complete panels, including round table discussions.
Since this International Symposium focuses on discussion, we explicitly encourage participation even without formal presentation.
Date: As soon as possible
Participants with or without Paper presentation: us$ 200.00
Accompanying persons: us$ 50.00
Faculty and students UNMSM: s/ 70.00 (Caral and Dinner show extra)
Faculty and students Universidades Nacionales del Peru: s/150.00 (Caral and Dinner show extra)
In case of non attendance, the Organizing Committee will not be able to return the Registration Fees paid.
Method of Payment: In order to avoid transfer charges in USA and Peru the Committee suggested to make an initial deposit us$50.00 dollars payable to:
Marcos Goldfarb, Account No..93100022167
First Republic Bank
Balance to be paid by cash (dollars or soles) during Registration day to Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas UPG.account.
Faculty and students from UNMSM and Peruvian universities may pay directly to:
Unidad de Post Grado de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Avenida Dos de Mayo 536, Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Música colombiana en Nueva York/Colombian Music in New York

Hay varios grupos colombianos buenos en NY - y van a tener su IV Encuentro el 12 de noviembre, el domingo.
There are a bunch of great bands in NY - and they're having their fourth annual Encuentro on November 12, Sunday!
The groups/Los grupos:
Folklore Urbano jazz fusion - you gotta hear they're cumbia version of Monk's "Well You Needn't"
Coba (not the Correction Officers' Benevolent Association but guitarist and arranger Sebastían Cruz's rock/jazz fusion project),
electro-folk chanteuse Lucía Pulido,
neo-traditional gaiteros La Cumbiamba Eneyé,
virtuoso harpist Edmar Castañeda,
the renowned Latin jazz pianist Hector Martignon
conguero Samuel Torres
Propiedad Intelectual y Música en Brasil/Intellectual Property and Music in Brazil
Ever since Gilberto Gil took over as Brazilian Minister of Culture, with a populist perspective on the subject of intellectual property, the big record companies have been itching for a fight. Now they've fired a shot over the bow. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) had some kind of meeting in Brazil and refused to allow some Brazilian professors to enter. Meanwhile, it's pretty esasy to see that regular Brazilians coulsn't give a rat's butt about these music mega-corporations and already have their own ways of distributing and consuming their music, as Hermano Vianna's excellent article shows us. At any ratem if you feel like you want to express to the IFPI that you're opposed to their restriction of the free circulation of culture, there's a petition you can sign. I did - it seems absurd that the supposed owners of our culture are going to oppose the right of people to participate in what they've created.
Open letter on race, class and cultural policy/Carta abierta sobre clase, raza y política cultural

Esta carta es del colombiano Lucas Silva de Palenque Records, que promociona lo afrocolombiano en París. It complains about racism and classism in Colombian cultural policy.
This letter is from Lucas Silva, Colombian head of Palenque Records, which promotes afrocolombian stuff in Paris. Señala racismo y clasismo en la política cultural colombiana.
San Pacho.com!
Oye, pero aquí en EE.UU., todo el mundo y su abuela tiene una página internet, pero gran cosa que existe ahora www.sanpacho.com desde el Chocó para promocionar su gran rumbón. Ojalá algun día, el festival de música tradicional más importante que tiene Colombia, el Petronio Álvarez, se organice lo suficiente para montar una vaina de estas...
Coca en el Pacífico caucano/Coca in the Pacific
If last years' bust of the Navy sending drugs out of Guapi and Timbiquí didn't clue anyone in to what's going on in the Pacific coast of the department of Cauca (location of Guapi and Timbiquí), which until fairly recently was relatively free of armed actors or coca-growing, we're now seeing the absorption of this region into the tragic Colombian situation. Now, the government has seized a boat with coca-processing chemicals leaving Buenaventura for Timbiquí. This obviously effects fieldwork there, but even more worrisome is the effect that easy money and the inevitable militarization by the Navy and the other actors could have on the people and the culture of the zone. Very sad.
Comer en Nueva York sigue siendo más barato que en Tokio, Londres o París/It's cheaper to eat in New York than Tokyo, London or Paris
Yo no sé pero 40 chavos una comida me parece bastante caro. Ya estoy mamado de lo caro que es esta ciudad - llevo un mes aquí y casi no he salido casi nada. Puede ser que es más barata que Tokio, Londres o París, pero por Dios, 5% de aumento?!
Cine rosa en Cali
Economic development, heritage, race/Desarrollo, herencia ,étnia
This article shows us the links between development (through cultural tourism), ethnic consciousness and the capacity to market anything. The age-old question: how much will it help regular people?
'Heritage Trail' to Link African, Caribbean, U.S. Tourist Effort
September 27, 2006
Posted to the web September 28, 2006
By Charles Cobb Jr.
Hamilton, Bermuda
Hundreds of participants are expected at a 5-day 'African Diaspora Heritage Trail' (ADHT) conference opening today in Hamilton, Bermuda.
Wired Wayúu/Indígenas Online
Hay algo muy extraño de un mundo donde la globalización y las corpraciones multinacionales están aplastando los pueblos autóctonos y estrangulando sus culturas, pero a la vez aliándose con las comunidades locales - para venderles cachevaches, por supuesto. Como en los desiertos de la Guajira, donde Microsoft ha decidido vender Windows en el idioma de los indígenas Wayúu. Las corporaciones siempre persiguen la "renta de monopolía," como nos recuerda el geógrafo marxista David Harvey, pero ¿cuáles son las posibilidades de este tipo de cosa para los proyectos sociales de los Wayúu? Cómo pueden estas extrañas colaboraciones entre poblaciones locales (cuyas necesidades sociales se podrián empezar a resolver con vínculos globales), y el capital global (que cada vez más necesita mercados locales pero a escala global) brinda la posibilidad que los pueblos locales retengan su agencia y aproveche de las ventajas que vienen de los vínculos entre escalas que provee la globalidad (y no vice versa)?
Chirimía, currulao y hip hop
![]() Este domingo 1 de octubre la ciudad tendrá nuevamente la oportunidad de encontrase con toda la música, el sabor y la alegria del pacífico colombiano gracias a la Chirimia La Contundencia y sus ritmos afro colombianos, a la marimba y los currulados de los Hijos del Pacífico y las líricas comprometidas del hip hop de Soporte Klan. | ¿Dónde y Cuándo? Media Torta. Calle 18 No. 1 - 05 Este. Domingo 1 de octubre. Hora: 12:00 m. Entrada libre. | |
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RIP Tommy Olivencia QEPD

Puerto Rican salsero Tommy Olivencia is dead.
El salsero boricua Tommy Olivencia ha muerto.
From Wikipedia (English)
De endi.com - Puerto Rico (Español)
De El Tiempo - Colombia (Español)
polarización Musical polarization
Recientemente me llegó este mensaje, no sé de donde. Personalmente, a mí me gusta el reggaetón, no solamente por ser parte del soundtrack de la juventud latina de Nueva York desde hace muchos años sino porque me gusta bailarlo, aunque no es una música que me siento a escuchar así no más. No coloco el mensaje para dar voz al puritanismo y esnobismo de su autor, una persona que aparentemente le da penita moverse la cadera, sino para demostrar la rabia con la cual los colombianos han asumido las categorías de consumo. Los géneros (casi todos gringos) que él nombra también han sido victimas del esnobismo y de caracterizaciones falsas (como es la insistencia que el reggaetón es consistemente misoginista) que ocultan el elitismo que están a su raíz. Otras músicas han trascendido sus orígenes estigmatizados para llegar a ser músicas icónicas (la salsa, la bachata, el reggae entre mushísimas más). De todas maneras, es cuestión de tolerancia: a mí no me trama mucho el vallenato (que de hecho, me parece en algunas de sus manifestaciones mucho más machista que el reggaetón, aunque esa no es la razón porque no me trama), aunque a veces es bacano escuchar, pero si vos lo querés escuchar, no voy a formar un movimiento en contra de él. El respecto a la diferencia, por Dios!
Movimiento Anti-reggaeton
¡Así es! Este movimiento surge porque ya estamos hartos de ésta "música" si es que se le puede llamar así. Estamos convocando a todos los amantes de la buena música sin importar el género,siempre y cuando sea música deverdad.
Utilizen un liston morado o una pulsera morada, pero ojo: no es que la tengan que comprar,este movimiento no ayuda a nadie, es un llamado a la gente, a que ellos
mismos apliquen su ingenio y ellos mismo fabriquen su pulsera ó liston de protesta.
Úsala con orgullo y cuando un reggeatonero la vea sabrá que estas en desacuerdo con la porquería de música y estilo que lleva.
DAME MAS GASOLINA???????? Porfavor!! piensa en todas las veces que vas escuchando Tu música en la calle en tú reproductor portatil, y de pronto pasa a un lado un carro con tremendo sonido, dónde solo se distingue -->(tu pa;tu pa tu pa tu patu)...
Todas las canciones suenan igual, las letras son de lo mas Nefastas, sin creatividad.
Usa Tu pulsera, pasa este mail a la gente; que esto sea un motivo de revolucion.
Si tu eres reggeatonero y te llegó este mail, no te molestes, pero yo creo ke nunca lo serás, porque no tienes un auto de 450mil dolares y jamás tendrás un cadenon blin blin de 125mil pesos, un pantalon de mezclilla, unos converse y una
Así de fácil, con eso demostramos el espíritu indie, donde todo está hecho por nosotros.(DIY)do it yourserlf- no tenemos que usar miles de pesos en accesorios para vernos llamativos y poner mujeres semi-desnudas para llamar la
atención en conciertos y videos. Porque hasta ellos mismos dudan de su capacidad como "artistas"..
Usa tu pulsera..fabrícala!!!!!
Actúa, demuestra tu descontento. Somos muchos generos contra uno
solo..Si los reggeatoneros hizieran lo mismo tendrian que usar más de 500 pulseras o piensan ganarle al:
Rock, punk, postpunk, indie, noise, techno drum&base, folk, emo tronika, nui
jazz, harcore, lowmetal doom, dark, trova, speed, blackmetal, idm, breakbeat, minimaltech, reggae, ska, skapunk, emo, bossanova, atinbeat,thrash metal, power metal, deathmetal...etc,etc,etc,etc,,,,,,,,,Y...
EN CONTRA DEL REGGAETON (también conocidocomo perreo)
Idea N1: Pone al nivel de putas a las mujeres. (lo peor es que a ellas les encanta)
Idea N2: Es el machismo vuelto canción
Idea N3: Cuando uno piensa que el hip hop es lo más repetitivo encuentras el reggaeton
Idea N4: El único tema que entregan las canciones: SEXO
Idea N5: La voz no importa mientras se tenga un PC cerca
Idea N6: Los videos muestran 4 cosas:
1. El culo de las mujeres.
2. Las tetas de las mismas.
3.La entrepierna de ellas.
4. Un auto lujoso conducido por el "cantante".
Idea N7: Visualizaciones:
Mujer: Objeto sexual.
Hombre: Se le ve como un "Eyaculeitor".
Idea N8: Las canciones tienen referencia a un "eyaculeitor" que se mete con todas las viejas que quiere, porsupuesto ese tal "hombre maestro" es el cantante (como sí así fuera en la realidad)
Idea N9: El baile: se pueden diferenciar 2 tipos:
1. El Solo: un idiota mueve sus manos para todos los lados(gran idiota) y cada cierto tiempo se agarra sus "partes intimas"como si se le fueran acaer.
2. La "seductora" (un hombre y una mujer, también se vale 2 hombres o 2 mujeres o etc): Una mujer baila como puta y un hombre hace como si se la "violara" con ropa
Idea N10: música demasiado simple con el mismo ritmo donde solo varían los tiempos..
P.D.: Si eres mujer y escuchas reggaeton: PARA DE SER UNA PUTA DE UNA VEZ Y DEJA DE ESCUCHAR ESA ABERRACION!!!
Y si eres "hombre".... busca tu cerebro entre tus piernas y házlo funcionar...
«† BlaCk RoSe †»
Estrategias de expansión de las FARC's expansion strategies
According to this article in El Tiempo, a captured FARC operative's laptop is revealing the FARC's tactics of infiltration in Colombia's urban socia networks, yielding to pressure on the FARC's rural territories. The "PC3" is the organization whose mission is to establish a FARC presence in social sectors like schools, universities, among the magistrate, the security guards, taxi-drivers, displaced people, and even soccer fans! Time will tell how much they will be able to succeed in this plan, but it shows the possibility that the the conflict will start getting even more urbanized...
Amnesty International informe sobre Colombia/report on Colombia
Public Statement
AI Index: AMR 23/040/2006 (Public)
News Service No: 245
21 September 2006
Amnesty International’s public statement on Colombia on the occasion of the second session of the UN Human Rights Council
Amnesty International (AI) welcomes the decision by the Colombian Government and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights made public on 12 September 2006, to renew the integral mandate of the Office in Colombia of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for one year.
The decision to renew the mandate of the Office for one year, rather than four, as in the past, is however regrettable. The four-year mandate granted to the Office at the time of its previous renewal afforded it with the necessary stability to carry out its work effectively and independently. A one-year renewal does not provide that stability which is particularly necessary at a time when the Colombian government has reportedly expressed its desire to restrict the Office’s observation role. This would significantly weaken its effectiveness.
The Colombian government has stated that the mandate has been renewed for only one year to allow it and the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to negotiate a new mandate which will better reflect the current human rights reality facing Colombia. Such a reality, the government argues, differs greatly from that which existed when the Office was first established in 1997.
AI believes that the current human rights situation in Colombia makes it all the more critical that the current mandate is maintained intact. International bodies, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) of the Organization of American States, and many members of the international community, in particular the European Union, have repeatedly expressed support for the integral mandate of the Office in Colombia.
Although some indicators suggest that conflict-related violence has fallen, notably the number of kidnappings and killings, these figures mask a human rights reality that AI continues to categorize as critical. In particular, AI has expressed serious concerns about the increase in numbers of new internally-displaced persons and in reports of extra-judicial executions carried out directly by the security forces, as well as about the still high number of “disappearancesâ€, as reported by the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances to the Human Rights Council (E/CN.4/2006/56/Add.1). AI also continues to receive numerous reports of human rights violations carried out by paramilitaries, despite their supposed demobilization.
The increasing ferocity of attacks by armed opposition groups against civilian communities, including killings and kidnappings, and their systematic use of economic blockades and “armed strikesâ€, of which civilians are the main victims, is also a cause for concern. Although AI acknowledges a reduction in killings in some of the larger cities, the situation in the regions, and particularly in the countryside, continues to deteriorate. Few of the human rights abuses committed in rural areas are ever reported to the authorities, either out of fear of reprisals by one or another armed actor, or because of a lack of confidence in the relevant institutions.
All the parties to the conflict continue to show grave disregard for human rights and international humanitarian law and have been responsible for war crimes, crimes against humanity and other crimes under international law, including killings, “disappearancesâ€, torture, and kidnapping. It is the civilian population that has inevitably borne the brunt of this still critical human rights crisis, since it is precisely they who continue to be targeted by all armed sectors to prevent their possible, perceived or imaginary support for the opposing side.
Given this reality, the role played by the Office, including observation, advice, technical cooperation and promotion of human rights, has proved invaluable. Most importantly, the Office has been effective in saving the lives of many civilians through its intervention. The invaluable work carried out by Colombia’s human rights defenders would also be all the more dangerous without the persistent and unwavering support given to them by the Office over the years. The work of its regional offices has also been effective in ensuring that the human rights of those living in remote parts of the country are not forgotten.
The Office has also played a critical role in defending international human rights standards when these have been threatened by a raft of legislative initiatives promoted by the government, in particular those associated with the supposed demobilization of members of illegal armed groups, be they armed opposition groups or paramilitaries. The Office has been at the vanguard of efforts by Colombian and international NGOs to remind the Colombian administration that legislation such as the Justice and Peace Law and Decree 128, which is designed to regulate the demobilization process, has persistently failed to conform to international standards on the right of human rights victims and their families to truth, justice and reparation, and which threaten to exacerbate the endemic scandal of impunity which reigns supreme in Colombia. However, the Colombian government has persisted in ignoring these reminders.
AI welcomes the High Commissioner’s report on Colombia (E/CN.4/2006/9), and its submission to the current session of the Human Rights Council. The report stresses the importance of implementing the recommendations contained in it and earlier reports. In the area of prevention and protection, the report urges the adoption of the long-promised national human rights action plan and increased protection of human rights defenders. It calls on the parties to the conflict to respect the right to life and to refrain from indiscriminate attacks, kidnappings, recruitment of child soldiers, and sexual violence. AI welcomes the fact that the report recommends that legislation on the demobilization of members of illegal armed groups be made consistent with human rights principles including the right of victims to truth and reparation. The report also urges the government to implement a policy to end impunity.
AI regrets that the Colombian government, and the armed opposition groups, are yet to implement the bulk of the recommendations in this and previous reports, despite the fact that many of these have been contained in previous reports. AI is also disappointed that a request by the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention to visit Colombia has so far not been satisfied.
AI stresses the importance for the Human Rights Council to devise ways to encourage the Colombian government to implement the High Commissioner’s recommendations, as included in her reports on the activities of her Colombia Office.
AI looks forward to the High Commissioner’s next report on Colombia to the Human Rights Council.
Rock al Parque's back/de vuelta...
A huge international rock concert with important international groups like Manu Chao and Café Tacuba - in Bogotá.
Más sobre el caso DVD/More on the DVD case
(Go to "Oye pero que tal?" below to see the original article)
Tiene que ser que alguién les convenció a los poli que necesitan algunos DVDs para el proceso, porque aparecieron 20,000. Lástima que faltan 437,000...
(Vé a "Oye pero que tal?!" abajo para ver el artículo original)
Colombian fusion in NY

T H U R S D A Y September 21
10pm. $5
Samurindó (Juan Pablo Uribe/Saxes, Sebatian Cruz/Electric Guitar, Trifon Dimitrov/Electric Bass, Daniel Correa/Drumset) is a New York City-based quartet dedicated to exploring and blending Colombian traditional music with different genres and musical forms such as jazz, funk, and other popular musical expressions. Their live performances are energetic and fresh; the band is always looking for new textures and grooves, reacting to the public and venue on every show, creating a unique vibe in every performance. Samurindó's debut album was recorded on May of 2006 and it will be released by local label Chonta Records.