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Enfemtamientos en el Pacífico dejan unas 4400 personas en el Pacífico o desplazadas o encerradas(Enlace). Parece que los mismos enfrentamientos de hace 8 días siguen. Lo que yo veo como grave aquí es que están geograficamente muy lejanos - de López a Barbacoas es mucho territorio. Se verá una urbanización del conflicto como resultado? Como la bomba en Cali que mató a un taxista, tres personas durmiendo en la calle, y un transeunte con muy mala suerte.
Combats in the Pacific leave some 4400 people, mostly black and some indigenous in the west, either homeless or unable to leave their homes to work. (Link)These are the same combats that were going on a week ago. What's particularly serious here is the very wide geographic swath that is affected. Including, indirectly, Cali, where a bomb set in the middle of downtown killed three homeless people, a taxi driver, and some poor sucker who was walking by. (Some revolution these guys have, huh?) I wonder if the army bringing combat to the Pacific has anything to do with the fight moving more into the cities.
Whatever is going on, there are definitely rapid changes in the structures of power and violence in southern Pacific. According to this map, from Semana magazine, you can see the amount of territory in the southern Pacific that is planted with coca, in green and gray. According to the article, there is even cooperation between the armed actors to slice the pie - the map shows the ELN guerillas (red dots), FARC guerrillas (black dots), and "disarmed" paramilitary gangs in orange.
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