"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."


House Resolution supports Afro-Colombians

Call your representative today! Ask them to support House Resolution 618, which brings attention to the situation of Afro-Colombians and calls on the U.S. to actively consult with these communities. Click here to read the resolution.

Afro-Colombians are harshly affected daily by extreme poverty, racial discrimination, and ongoing violence in regions with large Afro-descendant populations. Whether they are "caught in the crossfire" or specifically targeted, Afro-Colombians are often forced to leave their communities and ancestral lands behind. As a result, Afro-Colombians now constitute 40 percent of Colombia's 3.8 million internally displaced. Meanwhile, aerial spraying is destroying many of the food crops traditionally grown by Afro-Colombians, leading to further displacement and insecurity.

The resolution, which was introduced by Rep. Donald Payne during the August recess, calls on the Colombian government to combat racial discrimination and protect Afro-Colombians from human rights violations. H. Res. 618 also rightly urges the U.S. and Colombian governments to consult with Afro-Colombians while developing policies that will affect their communities.

Take Action! Call your representative today, or anytime in the next three weeks, to urge them to support Afro-Colombians as they strive for dignity and security. Follow this link to find out if your representative is already on board. Dial the Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121 to be connected. Ask to speak with the foreign policy aide. If they are unable to take your call, leave a message. (You can even follow up with an email).

If your representative is on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, your call is especially important. Click here to find out who is on the committee.

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