EL VUELCO DEL CANGREJO se desarrolla en La Barra, un alejado pueblo
"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."
El vuelco del cangrejo, nueva película sobre el Pacífico
Ritual, Celebration, and Festival
Ritual, Celebration, and Festival
Jack Santino, series editor, and Utah State University Press announce a series of books on ritual, festival, and celebration, including holidays, carnivals, and public or social events such as political demonstrations and death commemorations. The editor and publisher solicit submissions from various disciplines, including anthropology, folklore, history, and religious studies, as well as scholars in American studies, cultural studies, ethnomusicology, performance studies, and popular culture. The series will comprise analytical and theoretical works, of 120,000 words or less, that are based on ethnographic and/or documentary research and directed at scholars, students, and educated general readers.
Interested authors should send a prospectus, including a synopsis, an outline or table of contents, one or two sample chapters (such as an introduction), and a CV to jsantino@bgsu.edu or to Jack Santino, Bowling Green State University, Department of Popular Culture, 105 Popular Culture Building, Bowling Green, OH 43403-1090.
CFP: "Wrestling with Violence: the Performance of Violence in Latin American and Latino Letters, Theater, Film, and Popular Culture"
This critical volume seeks to explore the deployment and performance of violence in contemporary Latin American and Latino narrative fiction, theater, cinema, sports and other forms of popular culture. In recent years there have been some important explorations of the manifestations of violence in Latin American letters, including Diana Taylor’s Disappearing Acts: Spectacles of Gender and Nationalism in Argentina's "Dirty War" (1998) Daniel Goldstein’s The Spectacular City: Performance and Violence in Bolivia (2004), Idelber Avelar’s The Letter of Violence. Esays on Narrative, Ethics and Politics (2005), as well as an important and substantial body of work on violence and trauma in testimonial fictions, memoirs and films. Our volume proposes to build on the critical and theoretical grounding provided by these earlier studies by creating a space for considering the production and reception of violence across a broad and varied spectrum of genres, media and public spaces, with special consideration to cultural and literary productions and performances in the new millennium.
Outside of Latin America, the representation and/or the performance of violence in art and popular culture has been heatedly debated by philosophers, anthropologists and critics from outside of Latin America as well. In the past two decades, Giorgio Agamben, Alain Badiou, Judith Butler, Paul Virilio and Slavoj Zizek have been only some of the better known theorists to engage in complex and diverse critiques violence. Along with other thinkers, social critics and bioethicists, these critics have responded to the seemingly unstoppable presence of visual, audio and textual violence in our midst by theorizing the ways in which the mechanisms of violence can be and have been mobilized so as to produce particular social, political, and textual effects. While Virilio decries the “spectacularization” of violence and issues a clear condemnation of all violence-inflected art and culture, theorists at the other end of the philosophical-sociological spectrum argue that the performance –textual, graphic, theatrical--of various kind of violence can have liberating or cathartic effects. We trust that collaborators interested in participating in this volume will engage some of the questions that drive these critical debates. We welcome all critical approaches to the analysis of textual, visual or performative violence, including those centered on psychoanalysis, philosophy, cultural studies, queer and gender studies, critical race studies, diasporas and transnational studies, film studies and contemporary pop culture studies.
Thematic considerations may include but are not limited to:
*The aestheticization or representation of violence in Latin American and Latino narratives and theater (e.g., Argentine fiction on the Malvina’s War, Mexican and Latino literary interpretations of the Juárez killings; narco (sub) cultures; the role of violence in women-authored fiction and theater).
*The spectacle of violence in Latin American film and Latino films, photography and performance art.
*Boxing and Wrestling as performance (e.g. the ring as a space for the enactment of justice, equality, retribution and empowerment, attributes and values absent beyond the ropes; the prominence of boxing/wrestling in contemporary Mexican and Latino novels and plays --e.g., Palau’s Casa de la magnolia or Kristoffer Diaz’s The Elaborate Entrance of Chad Deity; the glamorization and commercialization of violence in popular Latin American and Latino cultures or in US-produced shows featuring Latin(o)-style sex and violence (e.g., Lucha Va Voom: Sexo y violencia).
* Martial arts and the highly disciplined body (masculinity and containment). Issues of manhood, masculinity and violence.
Please send an abstract of 300-500 words to Paola Ehrmantraut (ehrm7444@stthomas.edu) or Dianna Niebylski (dcn@uic.edu) by April 5, 2010. If your proposal is accepted, we will expect your finished essay by August 20, 2010.
CFP: "Crises and Opportunities in Latin America" Conference ($500 for best grad student paper!)
April 23-24, 2010
Keynote Speakers:
Román de la Campa - University of Pennsylvania;
Carolyn Dean - University of California Santa Cruz;
Ana Maria Ochoa - Colombia University;
Jonh A. Zemko - Center for International Enterprise
The conference site is at:
We invite papers from across the social sciences, arts, and the humanities
to examine the cultural, economic, and political reconfigurations produced
by local or global transformations in Latin America and the Caribbean.
“Crises and Opportunities in Latin America,” is an interdisciplinary
conference to reflect on unsettling conditions in Latin America produced by
historical, political, cultural or economic changes, the types of new
conceptualizations and claims these have produced, and the potential
transformations and opportunities they imply for the present and future.
The conference will have both invited and contributed papers. Researchers
from all disciplines are invited to share their research, views, and
You may choose to propose a panel of 4 speakers or send your paper
individually. We invite you to submit an abstract/paper or a panel by
February 28th, by e-mail to:
Jorge M. Aguero at Jorge.aguero@ucr.edu
including the following information:
- authors’ name and affiliations
- authors' detailed contact information
- Keywords (at least 4)
- Discipline
- Please write LAS CONFERENCE in the subject
Decision about the papers will be made by March 8th, 2010.
The Latin American Studies Program will award a prize of US$ 500 for the
best paper presented by a graduate student. Graduate students' electronic
submissions should be followed up by a letter from a professor certifying
that the submitter is a graduate student in good standing in the professor's
department. This letter should be sent via mail or email to the address
below. If you send by email, please write LAS CONFERENCE in the subject.
c/o Marcelle Chauvet
Latin American Studies Program
3111 Interdisciplinary Building South
University of California Riverside
Riverside, CA 92521
email: jorge.aguero@ucr.edu
Proceso electoral en Buenaventura "amenazado"
"Para Gimena Sánchez, investigadora de la Misión, en algunas zonas rurales de Buenaventura y hacia el sur del departamento hay un alto riesgo de que la guerrilla de las Farc pueda amenazar el proceso electoral. “Los peligros divisados es que la guerrilla pueda impulsar votos determinados o bloquear el acceso a los lugares de votación“, afirmó Sánchez. En zonas urbanas, de acuerdo con la observadora, están latentes situaciones como la presión de grupos paramilitares y del narcotráfico sobre poblaciones vulnerables, “así como la presión mediante la amenaza de supresión de subsidios de Acción Social en caso tal que no salgan elegidos los candidatos y partidos de la coalición de Gobierno, lo que constituye una clara confusión entre lo que es una política de Estado y el ejercicio de Gobierno”, expresó la investigadora."
US Latin America foreign aid budget ratchets down militarization in Cdolombia and Mexico, slightly raises aid to the rest of the region
"The drop in aid to Latin America foreseen in the Obama administration’s 2011 aid request to Congress, issued a week ago, has caused a minor stir in the region’s media. Typical is this opening sentence in Miami Herald columnist Andrés Oppenheimer’s Sunday column. "If President Barack Obama’s foreign aid budget request for 2011 is a reflection of his priorities in world affairs, it looks like the president is saying “adios” to Latin America."... When Mexico and Colombia are removed from the equation, aid to the rest of the region follows a different trend. Total aid actually increases from 2010 to 2011... Look at the aid this way, and it’s pretty clear that nobody is saying “adiós” to anybody. We need not lament that the tempo of helicopter-buying for Mexico and Colombia has slowed, and we note that economic and social assistance is holding remarkably steady..."
La compleja situación que vive el Bajo Atrato, el Chocó y las comunidades afros del país
- En un artículo de marzo del año pasado, Los usurpados del Chocó, Semana muestra que a pesar del fallo de la Corte Interamericana reconociendo el derechos a sus tierras de las comunidades de Curvuradó y Jiguamiandó, el cultivo de palma por parte de foráneos sigue intacto.

- En octubre, publicaron un artículo mostrando la complejidad del negocio de la madera, en el cual los dueños de los territorios de donde se están sacando tanta madera viven en la miseria. Muestra que la respuesta a ese misterio radica en la coyuntrua de desarrollo por parte de foráneos, la falta de garantías por parte del gobierno y la intensa presión de los paramilitares.
- En enero, publicaron un artículo titulado "Denuncuan control de paramilitares al comercio en el Chocó," que es inclusive más explícito, nombrando los muertos, y reconociendo que "... mandos medios que hicieron parte de la estructura de alias 'el Alemán’... controlan el comercio, la compra y venta de madera, de combustibles, de alimentos y el transporte en retenes ilegales. Cobran vacunas por todo. En zonas donde hay intereses de empresas para explotar minerales, sembrar cultivos como la palma o criar ganado, intimidan a los líderes para que negocien las tierra" y sugiriendo que los empresarios están beneficiando de la situación. También menciona otras presiones por parte de la guerrilla.
- Más recientemente, Semana reportó sobre las conclusiones de la experta independiente de Naciones Unidas sobre asuntos de las Minorías, la afro-norteamericana Gay McDougall. Después de consultar con las comunidades de Cartagena, Urabá, Apartadó, Quibdó, Cali, Buenaventura, Suárez (Cauca) y San Basilio de Palenque (Bolívar), sacó conclusiones de acuerdo con lo que ya sabemos - que el desarrollo “los megaproyectos han desplazado a muchos afrocolombianos... con la participación de compañías nacionales y multinacionales" y que “el Gobierno ha adoptado una posición política según la cual ya no hay conflicto armado y que los grupos paramilitares se han desmovilizado," notando sin embargo que “los paramilitares se quitaron los uniformes y se armaron como ‘Águilas Negras’ u otros nombres.” Una copia del informe de la dra. McDougall aquí.
will publish a special issue on Brazilian Improvisations co-edited by
Jason Stanyek (New York University) and Alessandra Santos (University
of Utah). Submissions are due by July 10, 2010 and will be accepted in
both English and Portuguese. For more information please refer to the
"Call for Papers" below or see:
Questions can be addressed to Professor Stanyek (jstanyek@nyu.edu) and
Professor Santos (a.santos@utah.edu).
Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation
considerará trabalhos para um volume especial sobre “Improvisações
Brasileiras” organizado por Jason Stanyek (New York University) e
Alessandra Santos (University of Utah). Consideraremos textos em
português ou inglês. Esta edição será parcialmente bilíngüe—uma
seleção de ensaios em português aceitos será traduzida para o inglês.
Por favor envie seu texto completo até o dia 10 de julho de 2010. Para
obter mais informações refira-se à "chamada dos trabalhos" abaixo ou
Perguntas poderão ser enviadas diretamente ao Professor Stanyek
(jstanyek@nyu.edu) e à Professora Santos (a.santos@utah.edu).
Nuevo CD de Bullerengue de REEF Records
Congratulations to the folks at REEF for the launch of another CD that will be out in March. Their first was music from the Anglophone Colombian island of Providencia, this new one is the drum music called bullerengue from the Urabá region. Details below...

Bulla! – Emilsen Pacheco y Tradición Bullerenguera de San Juan de Urabá es el primer CD de esta destacada agrupación de música tradicional afrocolombiana, bajo el sello Reef Records. Este experimentado grupo es dirigido por el maestro tambolero Emilsen Pacheco, quien junto con parte de su familia nos brinda una colección de cantos parranderos y toques de tambor pertenecientes a una tradición que se remonta muy atrás en el pasado. En los 16 cortes del CD se puede apreciar el color característico de la música de tambores del Urabá, un sonido profundo y letánico pero muy picante y alegre. Chalupas, fandangos y bullerengues sentaos son expuestos en esta producción que además incluye, no solo temas tradicionales, sino también composiciones del maestro Pacheco y el bullerenguero Wilfrido Valdelamar.
El bullerengue es un lamento alegre. Es la voz de la Diáspora africana en Colombia; la expresión de la vida misma, donde la emocionalidad logra su apogeo en el baile callejero, con el menear de una pollera, el estrepitoso repiqueteo de un tambor, o esa prolongación mágica creada por las gargantas verseadoras experimentadas. La familia Pacheco Blanco, oriunda de
San Juan de Urabá en la costa Caribe Occidental colombiana, es el vivo reflejo de esta ancestralidad primordial.
El CD incluye videoclip y artículo impreso en formato digital .PDF.
LANZAMIENTO Bogotá: 4,5 y 6 de Marzo de 2010 Medellín: 19, 20 y 21 de Marzo de 2010
Nueva modalidad de asalto criminal al trasporte en el Pacifico
"La embarcación, de nombre 'Mariana', había zarpado del puerto el pasado lunes rumbo a la población caucana de Timbiquí, cuando a unas dos horas de viaje, tres hombres jóvenes que se hicieron pasar como pasajeros desenfundaron sus armas, hicieron unos disparos y obligaron a las 29 personas, entre quienes se encontraban cinco menores, no solo a entregar sus pertenencias, sino a arrojarse al mar."Es la segunda vez que ha pasado algo asi en estos dias (en diciembre robaron una lancha rumbo a Juanchaco usando esa modalidad.) Eso de los piratas no es nuevo, pero normalmente, tienen la bondad de no tirar la gente al agua, sino que llegan y se van en su propia lancha en lugar de abordar a la lancha que van a robar.