"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."
Mis discos de diciembre: Vos me debés y La fuga
Auditorio Germán Colmenares, Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad del Valle
(Cali, diciembre 13 de 2010)
Este taller recoge los principales resultados del proyecto de investigación Colciencias-Cidse/Universidad del Valle, “Sexualidades y feminidades contemporáneas de mujeres negras e indígenas: un análisis de cohorte generacional y étnico – racial”. En él se analizan los cambios y continuidades que se presentan en las construcciones identitarias femeninas contemporáneas, desde el ámbito de las sexualidades, de mujeres negras e indígenas y mestizas-blancas, pertenecientes a clases medias, clases populares y clase obrera; de sectores campesinos indígenas de resguardo y migrantes indígenas urbanos, en Cali, Buenaventura, norte del Cauca (Villarica y Puerto Tejada) y los municipios de Toribío y Silvia; y de feminidades transgeneristas negras de clases populares en el contexto urbano de Cali y Jamundí. Estos cambios se abordaron desde una perspectiva socioantropológica y sociodemográfica, a través de un estudio de casos en las zonas urbanas y rurales ya mencionadas, en los que las variables étnico/racial, la clase social vía el nivel educativo y la cohorte generacional, marcan diferentes formas de construcción y manifestación de las diversas feminidades y sexualidades de los grupos de mujeres y feminidades tranSgeneristas arriba mencionados. Igualmente, se incluyó el análisis de las percepciones de los hombres sobre las mujeres y las feminidades transgeneristas respecto a estos cambios, controlando las mismas variables anteriores.
Los resultados se inscriben en los estudios que trabajan la interseccionalidad de las categorías de las ciencias sociales tales como raza, etnicidad, sexualidad, género, clase social y generación y por lo mismo articula perspectivas disciplinarias entre la sociología, la antropología, la historia y la demografía. El principal objetivo del estudio apuntó a registrar procesos de subjetivación en la transformación de las distintas feminidades contemporáneas en la región antes descrita, focalizando la observación en las sexualidades femeninas de las clases subalternas, producidas y articuladas alrededor de los componentes de clase social, sexos/géneros, raza-etnicidad y generación.
El equipo del proyecto de investigación agradece a todas las mujeres negras (heterosexuales y no heterosexuales), indígenas (Nasa y Misak) y mestizas-blancas, a los hombres (negros, mestizos-blancos e indígenas), y las transgeneristas negras que aceptaron hablar de sus biografías sexuales y demás trayectorias de sus vidas.
Palabras de los decanos de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas,
Carlos Humberto Ortiz, y de la Facultad de Humanidades, Darío Henao.
Palabras de María Eugenia Ibarra, Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle, en representación del Centro de Estudios de Género, Mujer y Sociedad.
Jornada de la mañana
8:30 a.m. Fernando Urrea Giraldo (Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle)
Enfoque teórico y metodológico utilizado en la investigación y presentación de los hallazgos sobre las feminidades transgeneristas negras.
9:00 a.m. Nancy Motta González (Departamento de Historia, Universidad del Valle)
Sexualidades y feminidades de mujeres indígenas en dos áreas de resguardo (Nasa y Guambiano).
9:30 a.m. Jeanny Posso Quiceno (Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad del Valle)
Sexualidades y feminidades de mujeres blancas-mestizas en Cali.
10:00 a.m. Receso para refrigerio.
10:30 a.m. Espacio para preguntas y discusión.
11:30 a.m. Astrid Yulieth Cuero Montenegro (Programa de Sociología, Universidad del Valle)
Feminidades y sexualidades de mujeres negras heterosexuales en Cali, Buenaventura y norte del Cauca.
12:00 a.m. Consuelo Malatesta Morera (Colectivos LGTB, Cali).
Sexualidades de mujeres negras no heterosexuales en Cali.
12:30 m. – 1:00 p.m. Espacio para preguntas y discusión.
Jornada de la tarde:
2:30 p.m. Waldor Arias Botero (Programa de Sociología, Universidad del Valle)
Sexualidades y feminidades de mujeres indígenas en Cali.
3:00 p.m. Mara Viveros Vigoya (directora de la Escuela de Estudios de Género de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá).
3:45 p.m. Gabriela Castellanos (coordinadora del programa de Doctorado de Estudios de Género de la Universidad del Valle, Facultad de Humanidades).
4:30 p.m. Receso para refrigerio.
4:45 p.m. Andrea García Becerra (profesora del Departamento de Antropología de la Universidad Javeriana, en Bogotá).
5:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Espacio para preguntas y discusión.
6:30 p.m. Fin del taller.
Unidades académicas, entidades y organizaciones que apoyan este taller:
- Facultades de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas y de Humanidades de la Universidad del Valle.
- CIDSE (Centro de Investigaciones y Documentación Socioeconómica) de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Económicas.
- Grupos UNIVALLE-COLCIENCIAS: Estudios étnico-raciales y del trabajo en sus diferentes componentes sociales y grupo REGIÓN de la Facultad de Humanidades.
- Centro de Estudios de Género, Mujer y Sociedad de la Facultad de Humanidades.
- Programa de Doctorado de Estudios de Género de la Facultad de Humanidades.
- Escuela de Estudios de Género de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá).
PROFAMILIA (regional de Cali).
Programa de Inclusión Social de la Alcaldía de Santiago de Cali.
Somos Identidad (Universidad del Valle).
Hip hop producer Young Guru on how corporate restructuring in the music industry enslaves artists
More from Young Guru on Jay-Z, his respectful disagreement with Prof. Cornell West's methdology, why conspiracy theories keep us from putting faces on corporate power (a riff on structure vs. agency), Dipset/Beenie Siegel drama, why stupid hip hop beefs ("corny and over") pale in comparison with real street violence, and more here.
Foros sobre movimiento juvenil y festival de música urbana, Buenaventura, Dec. 4-5
"The Afro-Latin@ Reader": Book Presentation & Signing
first of its kind, detailing the contributions of Latinos of African descent in
the United States.
Thursday December 2nd, 2010
NAC Room 6/141
The City College of New York
160 Convent Avenue
New York, NY 10031
Join us in a presentation of the Afro-Latin@ Reader featuring Professors
Miriam Jiménez-Román and Juan Flores
The Afro-Latin@ Reader focuses attention on a large, vibrant, yet oddly
invisible community in the United States: people of African descent from
Latin America and the Caribbean. The presence of Afro-Latin@s in the United
States (and throughout the Americas) belies the notion that Blacks and
Latin@s are two distinct categories or cultures. Sponsored by the Department
of Modern Languages, Department of Sociology and the Department of Black
Studies at The City College of New York.
For more info, visit the CCNY event webpage
Ballet on the Mirabal sisters/Ballet sobre las Mirabal
Mirabal Sisters - fifty years on
To mark the fiftieth anniversary of the assassination of Patria, Minerva and
Maria Teresa Mirabal, a ballet called "Tres" (Three) will be staged at the
Mirabal Sisters Monument in Salcedo at 7pm this evening. With choreography
by Carlos Veitia and music by Philip Glass, the ballet was inspired by the
three national heroines and their struggle against the Trujillo
dictatorship, leading to their murder on 25 November 1960. The Ministry of
Culture is sponsoring the performance, which is open to the public free of
charge. Dancers include Cuban National Ballet's premier danseur Romel
Frometa, and premier danseur Maykel Acosta from the Dominican National
Ballet. The sisters will be portrayed by ballerinas Maria Valeria Melogno,
Stephanie Bauger, Alihayde Carreno and Lisbell Piedra.
* * *
“Tres”, poética de danza en ballet memorable
El Ballet Nacional Dominicano, bajo la dirección de Marinella Sallent, se
une a la conmemoración del 50 aniversario del asesinato de las Hermanas
Mirabal, con la presentación del ballet “Tres”, del maestro Carlos Veitía.
Artísticamente, es a través de la danza como se evoca por primera vez este
hecho histórico. A propósito del estreno en 1980 del ballet “Las Hermanas
Mirabal”, escribimos en el “Listín Diario”: “Ha sido necesario que
transcurrieran veinte años de aquella tragedia que estremeció a todo un
pueblo, para que surgiera un artista con suficiente sensibilidad, capaz de
conmoverse e inspirarse en un acontecimiento histórico profundamente
Unesco: Marimba y cantos del Pacífico Sur colombiano patrimonio intangible/Southern Pacific music UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
Colombia: #1 in displaced refugees/en desplazados
According to the UN, Colombia has more displaced people than any other country in the world, including the Sudan Iraq, and Afghanistan: Link
Ambience in the Humanities: Translating New Surroundings into New Poetics
Ambience in the Humanities: Translating New Surroundings into New Poetics November 19-20, 2010 |
CFP: IASPM Canada: "Music and Environment: Place, Context, Conjuncture"
Submission deadlines:
October 21, 2010 (for consideration for travel reimbursement)
November 15, 2010 (final deadline for all others)
Applicants will be notified of the program committee’s final decisions by December 15, 2010.
Pablo Mayor & Folklore Urbano Event(o)s
María Mulata with Pablo Mayor and members of Folklore Urbano Friday and Saturday, November 12-13th Pablo Mayor will be collaborating with special guest vocalist María Mulata from Bogotá, Colombia, at this charming art space dedicated to presenting and promoting Colombian culture in Queens. It feels like a cafe bar right out of Bogotá, Colombia. La Terraza 7 Train Cafe 40-19 Gleane St. Elmhurst, Queens 11373 Tickets $10/$15, can be purchased in advance (advisable, since it is a small place and this is María Mulata's first show in NYC) |
5th Annual LACW's closing event: Pablo Mayor and members of Folklore Urbano with María Mulata Wednesday, November 17th 7-10pm (closing band of the night) Pablo Mayor will be collaborating with special guest vocalist María Mulata from Bogotá, Colombia, with members of Folklore Urbano to close this year's Latin American Culture Week presented by PAMAR, also to feature David Gonzalez, Pedro Giraudo Sextet, and Dock Sud Flamboyan Theater @ the Clemente Soto Velez Cultural and Educational Center 104 Suffolk St. NYC (between Delancey and Rivington Lower East Side Manhattan) Tickets $15, with wine and coffee tasting sponsored by Wines of Argentina and Nescafe Clásico |
Folklore Urbano Orchestra @ the Arts Exchange "Arts at the X" Friday, November 19th, 8pm We've been invited back by ArtsWestchester, this time with the full band The Arts Exchange 31 Mamaroneck Ave. White Plains, NY Tickets or call 914.428.4220 x223 |
Sound Politics
American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) conference
Vancouver, Canada
March 31-April 3
Deadline for paper proposals: November 12
Please note: ACLA seminars involve up to 12 participants and meet over the course of 3 days. Paper proposals must be submitted via the conference website. Go to http://www.acla.org/acla2011/, click on ‘Propose a Paper or Seminar,’ and follow instructions. Be sure to select Sound Politics from the list of seminars.
Sound Politics
This seminar aims to draw out several methodological and theoretical issues involving sound and its relation to the political realm. How might a focus on aural practices and the auditory sense lead us to rethink presuppositions about political agency and critique? How have ideas about sound and certain aural practices shaped particular political ideologies, or even the category of ideology itself? Is it possible to theorize acoustics as an arena of contestation? How do technological media become racialized and gendered? Is there such a thing as ‘hearing’ class? Our goal is to bring together scholars from a range of disciplines and theoretical perspectives and to explore (dis)junctures of sound and the political in a wide array of geographical contexts and historical periods.
Questions? Feel free to contact either or both of the seminar organizers:
Sarah J. Townsend sjtownsend@berkeley.edu
Tom McEnaney mcenaney@berkeley.edu
Latino Folk Culture and Expressive Traditions: Nov. 20
Join us on November 20th at NYU's Cooper Square for papers, performance and conversation on the theme of Latino Folk Culture and Expressive Traditions.
9-10 a.m. Registration
10-11:45 a.m. Latino Music and the Negotiation of Identities
Guesnerth Josue Perea, AfroColombia NY
Currulao Neoyorquino: Unearthing Afro-Colombian Musical Traditions in New York City
Naomi Sturm, Columbia University
Lo Haces Un Poco Asi y Switch...
Jaime Bofill, University of Arizona
Entre Peruanos: An Ethnographic Film on the Peruvian Community of Tucson
12-1:30 p.m.
Lunch on your own
Annual Meeting of New York Folklore Society (to 12:30)
Film: Conflicto Rumba: The Persistence of Memory
with a discussion with the filmmaker Berta Jottar
1:45-3:15 p.m. Representations and Depictions
Eric Cesar Morales, Indiana University
Do We Need Sombreros to be Chicanos? The Representation of Chicanismo in Television Sitcom
Beatriz Albequerque, Columbia University
Pagan Reminiscence in Christian Commemoration and its Influences in Two Contemporary Performance Artists
Rachel Valentina Gonzalez, Indiana University
"You only turn fifteen once...": Imagining an American Quinceanera
3:15-4:30 p.m.
A Statewide Community Conversation on Latino Folk Culture with Latino community leaders and artists from throughout New York State
4:45-5:30 p.m.
Afro-Latino Perspectives on Folklore
Juan Flores, Director of Latino Studies, NYU
6 p.m. Performance & Discussion
by Raquel Z. Rivera & Ojos de Sofia
6:45 p.m. Reception
New York University, 20 Cooper Square, 4th Floor, New York, NY
(4th Avenue at East 5th St)
R Train to 8th Street, walk east on 8th Street & turn right on 4th Ave, which feeds into Cooper Square
6 Train to Astor Place, walk south on 4th Ave to Cooper Square
REGISTRATION: Free for Students! $20 for Members, $25 for Non-Members
Register Here
NY Folklore Society
phone: 518-346-7008
email: nyfs@nyfolklore.org
Inés Granja Herrera de Timbiquí
Aquí está con el Grupo Santa Bárbara de Timbiquí (donde también canta Doña Oliva Bonilla) en el Petronio Alvare del 2010: cancion inédita : "Queremos la paz" y cancion del album dejando huellas "A navegá"...Galardón a mejor interprete vocal Inés Granja y segundo lugar en modalidad marimba.
Wednesday, November 10 · 7:00pm - 10:00pm | |
PRESENTACIÓN VIDEO DOCUMENTAL VIOLINES DE NEGROS EN EL CAUCA Y CONCIERTO DEL GRUPO "PALMERAS" DE SANTANDER DE QUILICHAO, NOCHE DEL CAUCA LE CANTA A POPAYÁN. EL Grupo "Palmeras" es la representación en vivo de los violines de negros, ganadores del Festival del Pacífico Petronio Alvarez. Trabajo investigativo por Paloma Muñoz |
Tribute to Rafael Hernández

Rafaél Hernández (1892–1965)
Bobby Sanabria and the Manhattan School of Music Afro-Cuban Jazz Orchestra will pay tribute to Puerto Rico’s greatest composer, Maestro Rafaél Hernández, whose works include such masterpieces as Preciosa and Lamento Borincano and who made history as a trumpeter with bandleader James Reese Europe’s 369th Regiment Harlem Hell Fighters band during World War I.
October 22 / 7:30 PM /
Borden Auditorium, Manhattan School of Music
120 Claremont Avenue
(Broadway and W. 122nd St.)
All tickets $5
For tickets call 917-493-4428
(See attachment for more information)
Walking Tour — "De un pajáro las dos alas"*: 19th Century Caribbean Political Exiles and Revolutionaries • During the latter part of the 19th century, New York City was a key center of political activities for revolutionaries and exiles from Cuba and Puerto Rico. Dr. Ramón E. Betances, Eugenio María de Hostos and José Martí lived and worked in New York as leaders of the independence movements. Joining them were other important political figures, intellectuals and artists from those two Caribbean countries. In the 1880’s and 90’s, this vibrant community of political émigrés was enhanced by the arrival of the tabaqueros , the tobacco workers. This tour will visit the sites where Cuban and Puerto Rican revolutionaries lived, met and shared their struggles for independence from Spanish colonial domination. Although few of the buildings still exist, we will walk through the neighborhoods and reconstruct history through pictures and stories. The tour has been prepared and will be guided by Elena Martínez, a staff folklorist at City Lore, and Orlando José Hernández, a professor of Humanities at Hostos Community College-CUNY.
Saturday October 9th and 23rd, 11:00 am — 1:00 pm
Price : $12; $8 students, seniors, City Lore members
Meeting place : Broadway/Houston subway (F, M, 6). Meet at corner of Houston Street and Broadway, sw corner
For more information or to make reservations : 212.529.1955 x306 or emartinez@citylore.org . Reservations are required. This event is sponsored by City Lore in collaboration with the Center for Puerto Rican Studies.
*This is a line of poetry from Lola Rodríguez de Tio, who was an activist in exile here in the 1890’s.