"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."


Why are Mexican narcos killing pop singers? Porqué los narcos mexicanos están matando artistas populares?

These singers don't seem to be tied to drug dealers, and they are not of the narco-corrido variety, so what's going on? One of the articles says:

"Some fear that the spate of killings is linked to the "adoption" of singers
by drug gangs, which then post videos on the internet that show their members torturing and executing rivals against a soundtracks of popular tunes."

What work is music doing in these situations? What is its function? And why kill the singers?

Estos cantantes no parecen tener vínculos con los narcos ni cantan el género narco-corrido. Qué pasa? Uno de los artículos dice:

"Agunos temen que la racha de asesinatos se vincule con la adopción de los cantantes por los carteles, los cuales colocan videos en el Interbet mostrando a sus partidarios torturando y ejecutando a los rivales con una banda sonora de canciones populares."

Qué hace la música en estas situaciones? Cuál es su función? Y porqué matar a los cantantes?

Enlace (Español)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The artis are not involved with drug dealers, but The drug dealers are involved in extortion and kidnapings around Mexico.
The artist have been a sector of workers that have been seriously afected by this wave of violence.