"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."
Movidas raras con la plata del Carnaval? No nos insultes!
A different tack in Latin American war on drugs
Capitalism and Intellectual Property in Academia: Sage Sux
Link "Is It Time to Boycott Sage?"
New violence as FARC puts on game face/Nueva violencia - Las FARC buscan demostrar que todavía tienen capacidad militar
The Center for International Policy predicted that with the death of its leader Manuel Marulanda and his succession by Alfonso Cano, that the FARC would soon be busy unleashing violence to demonstrate its continued military capacity despite its numerous setbacks. And sure enough, there has been an increase in FARC activities in Buenaventura, among other parts of the country.
Chirimía en El Tiempo - Políticas culturales en los medios masivos?
El artículo concluye con una nota diciendo que "Este artículo fue psoble gracias a una alianza con el Ministerio de Cultura." Eso también es importante - me parece que un problema con las culturas tradicionales del país es que si bién el Ministerio y otras entidades estatales si se han encargado de ellas, nunca han hecho mucho vínculos con los medios masivos para difundir información sobre ellas, y sabemos que los tampoco mucho interés en las manifestaciones culturales más allá de la farándula novelera. Lo que ha sido necesario, digo yo, es un vínculo o alianza entre el Ministerio y los medios para que se pueda realmente difundir inforación y fomentar entendimiento de las músicas y otras formas culturales tradicionales a través de los medios. Será que este artículo es parte de un proyecto más grande de difusión por los medios. Ojalá sí.
Combates en el Bajo Calima
Aumentan cultivos de coca - adivina dónde / Coca cultivation up - guess where
" ... la muy conflictiva zona del litroal Pacífico colombiano." No es ninguna novedad, pero que tristeza, ola.
So the fact that coca cultivation is up in Colombia (despite War on Drugs funding and massive fumigations) is all over the news. Guess where a significant part of the increase in cultivation is? Nariño province is up 30% from 2006 to 2007, and in Cauca province it' s up by 98%. Says the Center for International Policy: "Colombia’s Pacific coast region is witnessing rapid expansion of coca-growing, despite some of the country’s most intense eradication efforts. The FARC and new, “emerging” paramilitary groups are very active in Nariño’s coastal zone.... Coca cultivation doubled in 2007 in Cauca, part of the rapidly increasing coca-growing activity in Colombia’s highly conflictive Pacific coast zone."
"... Colombia's highly conflictive Pacific coast zone." It's no news, but lest we forget - what a fucking shame.
Social scientists and the war on terror
"Wired magazine has just reported that the Pentagon has kicked off ‘Minerva’, its project to include social scientists and other academics into the “War on Terror”. The article also mentions the debate that has been going on in anthropology over the US military’s new-found enthusiasm for culture and social science methods.
Wired also has covered this issue in surprising detail, and there is a good archive of related stories at the bottom of their article."
Digital Divide
This from the "Culture Matters" anthro blog (hey ethnos, how come we don't have something like this?):
Wired magazine has a recent story about Dawn Nafus, a Cambridge PhD in anthropology working for Intel: Intel Anthropologists Find Keys to Tech Adoption. The map of which countries are rapid adopters is great; there’s some interesting surprises. For example, Nafus found that Estonia and South Korea were early adopters of technology in relation to income:
…her team found that they both have agile governments, strong offline social networks, and major upheavals in living memory (the transition out of Communism and the Korean War). That raised the counterintuitive question: could turmoil actually be good for preparing people for disruptive technologies?
I won’t review the whole article, but there’s some great examples of anthropological research producing counter-intuitive results. For example, ‘One other surprise in the Intel data: foreign direct investment, or how much money foreign firms pour into a country’s economy, can actually constrain how fast technology is adopted.’ Worth checking out.
Call for Papers: Sexualities in Improvisation
With an ear to addressing this gap, Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation invites submissions for a special issue on sexualities and improvisation, guest-edited by Julie Dawn Smith and Kevin McNeilly. Essays can range from theoretical to practical, from aesthetic to political in their aims and methods, and interdisciplinary work is both welcome and encouraged. We are especially interested in provocative, informed writing that deals with improvisation in as unlimited a sense as possible.
This special issue emerges in part from work presented at Comin' Out Swingin': Sexualities in Improvisation, a symposium held at the University of British Columbia in November, 2007. The editors want to include as wide a variety of material as possible, and would also welcome for consideration artist statements, commentaries, interviews and related texts. Possible themes and areas of interest for critical essays may include, but are not limited to, any of the following topics.
- Queer Music
- Sexing the Ear of the Other
- Women in Contemporary Creative Music
- Body Languages: Fingering, Tonguing, Blowing
- Performance and Performativity
- The Poetics of Improvisation: Speaking in Music
- Musical Affect, the Textures of Feeling
- The Politics of Dissonance: Fractured Identities
- Improvising Masculinities
- The Instrument as Prosthesis
- Radical Subcultures: Revolting Noise
- The History of Sexuality in/and Contemporary Creative Music
- Transitive Genders: Playing with Our Selves
- The Erotics of Close Listening
- Bump and Grind: Rhythm and Corporealities
- Mixed Media, Cyborg Songs
- Extemporaneous Positions: Improvising Sexualities
- Auscultation and other Apparatuses of Audience
- Other than Music: Confronting Idioms of the Heteronormative
Essays of approximately 6000 words should conform to the journal's guidelines for style and format. The deadline for submissions is 15 August 2008.
Democracy and its Discontents in the Americas
We would like to invite you to participate in the international seminar entitled Citizenship and Reform of the State: Democracy and its Discontents in the Americas.
The purpose of this event is to generate a multidisciplinary space to examine and discuss the relationship between democracy and related themes of interest to academics and citizens alike.
We refer to democracy not only as a political system, but also to a broader concept that encompasses political culture and as the essential device that regulates relationships between states and societies. Migration, climate change and globalization have become phenomena that transform states and societies. In doing so, they rearticulate and redefine mainstream political and social theoretical concepts, including citizenship, representation and sovereignty.
We have organized the following thematic panels to address these issues:
· State reform and citizenship
· Democracy, citizenship and migration in the Americas
· Democracy and the environment
· Citizenship and democracy: diverse realities and theoretical challenges
· Democracy, education, migration and intercultural processes
· Citizenship and democracy
The seminar will take place on the campus of the Autonomous University of Mexico City (la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México) November 5, 6, and 7, 2008. Academics from the Americas and Europe will participate:
· Universidad de Chile. Dr. Loreto Rebolledo and Dr. Bernardo Navarrete
· Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Dr. Benjamín Arditti and Mtra. Cristina Amescua
· City University of New York. Dr. Patricia Ruiz-Navarro.
· Instituto Mora. Dr. Leticia Calderón Chelius
· Flacso – Costa Rica. Ilka Treminio.
· Universidad Alberto Hurtado de Chile. Dr. Carolina Stefoni
Universidad del Salvador de Buenos Aires. Romina Kasman
With respect to the papers, we are grateful for submissions within the dates outlined since submissions will be peer-reviewed in August and September.
Seminario internacional Reforma del Estado y ciudadanía. La democracia y sus descontentos en America, 5, 6 y 7 noviembre 2008 México D.F.
Los invitamos a participar en el Seminario Internacional: “Reforma del Estado y ciudadanía: La democracia y sus descontentos en América”.
Este evento tiene el propósito de generar un espacio multidisciplinario en el que se examine y se discuta la relación de la democracia con otros temas de interés para la academia y la ciudadanía, en este sentido asumimos a la democracia no sólo como un régimen político, sino desde una concepción más amplia, lo que involucra comprenderla como una cultura política, y un dispositivo imprescindible para regular las relaciones entre los Estados y las sociedades.
Los cuales están siendo transformados por fenómenos como la migración, el cambio climático y la globalización, que están rearticulando y redefiniendo nuestras concepciones sobre conceptos clásicos de la teoría política y social como por ejemplo: ciudadanía, representación y soberanía. En esta perspectiva contamos con las siguientes mesas temáticas:
• Reforma del Estado y ciudadanía.
• Democracia, ciudadanía y migración en América.
• Democracia y medio ambiente.
• Ciudadanía y democracia, realidades diversas y retos teóricos.
• Democracia, educación, migración y procesos interculturales.
• Ciudad y democracia.
El seminario se realizará en las Instalaciones de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México los días 5, 6 y 7 de Noviembre del 2008.
Participaran académicos y académicas de las siguientes universidades:
• Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Dr. Benjamín Arditti y Mtra. Cristina Amescua.
• Universidad de la Ciudad de Nueva York. Dra. © Patricia Ruiz-Navarro.
• Instituto Mora. Dra. Leticia Calderón Chelius.
• Universidad Alberto Hurtado de Chile. Dra. Carolina Stefoni.
• Universidad del Salvador de Buenos Aires. Lic. Romina Kasman.
• Universidad Iberoamericana de México. Dr. Javier Urbano y Dra. Laura Zamudio.
• Universidad de Guadalajara. Dr. Rogelio Martínez
Lineamientos para la elaboración y presentación de ponencias
Las fechas de recepción de resúmenes son las siguientes:
Del 15 de junio al 15 de Julio.
Las ponencias se recibirán del 15 de Agosto al 15 de Septiembre.
Los términos de referencia son:
Extensión mínima 25 cuartillas, máxima 30, espacio interlineado 1.5., tipo de letra Arial 12, formato de citas y bibliografía Harvard. Todas las ponencias deberán contar con un resumen en español e inglés no mayor a los mil caracteres.
Los resúmenes y ponencias se recibirán vía correo electrónico a las siguientes direcciones:
En relación a sus ponencias les agradeceremos su envío en las fechas señaladas, debido a que ocuparemos los meses de Agosto y Septiembre para dictaminarlos.
Aymara Rap as racism in Bolivia heats up / Rap Aymara y racismo boliviano
Mitad Tupac Shakur, mitad Tupac Amaru, y más necesario que nunca con los abusos que se están cometiendo actualmente en Bolivia.
Half Tupac Shakur, half Tupac Amaru, all the more necessary given the madness that going down in Bolivia these days.If you don't know what I'm talking about, check the links:
Si no sabés de que estoy hablando, chequeate los enlaces:
Link (Article in English/Artículo en inglés)
Enlace (Videp en español / Spanish video)
Job / Camello / Chamba
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Outreach Coordinator
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign seeks an Outreach Coordinator to organize and
develop outreach activities including educational workshops and programs for
K-12 teachers, college teachers, professionals, business groups and other
constituencies, maintaining and developing the Center website, and editing the
newsletter. Additionally the outreach coordinator is expected to coordinate the
processing of FLAS grants to students, and contribute to grant reports. The
Center is a US/ED Title VI National Resource Center together with its
consortium partner, the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of
Applicants must have at least a B.A. and preferably a M.A. in a social science
or humanities discipline with a concentration on Latin American or Caribbean
Studies, oral fluency in Spanish, and native or near-native writing and
speaking capabilities in English. Skills in Portuguese are a plus. Web and
computer skills (Adobe CS and HTML) are essential. Applicants should have an
interdisciplinary and creative orientation, strong organizational and
communications skills, and the ability to manage multiple projects with minimal
The position is a full-time academic professional
position and begins August 16,
2008. Applicants may be interviewed before the closing date; however, no hiring
decision will be made until after that date. The salary is competitive,
depending on qualifications and experience. In order to ensure full
consideration, the application letter, C.V., and three letters of
recommendation must be received by July 14, 2008. Send application materials,
including an email address, to:
Angelina Cotler
Associate Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
University of Illinois
201 International Studies Building
910 South Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
Tel.: 217-333-8419/3182
Fax: 217-244-7333
e-mail: clacs@uiuc.edu
The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer
Angelina Cotler, Ph.D.
Associate Director
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
206 International Studies Building
910 South Fifth Street
Champaign, IL 61820
217-333-8419 (tel)
217-244-7333 (fax)
“Africa in America: Images of Land, Struggle and Resistance"
Press Release
The Manuel Zapata Olivella Center & Wesley United Methodist Church cordially invite you to an inspiring weekend of activities, June 20 to 22, 2008.
“Africa in America: Images of Land, Struggle and Resistance"
Photos by Jonathan Bruce, Nacho Hernandez, Danita Delaney and others.
Friday, June 20th
Opening Reception (refreshments, jazz ensemble, & conversation with artists), 6:30 – 10 pm
Saturday, June 21st
Afternoon Exhibition: guided tours, 12 noon – 5 pm
Sunday, June 22nd
Afternoon Exhibition: guided tours, 12:30 – 5 pm
Evening Fundraising Event for Pastors for Peace/ Cuba Caravan. 5 – 9 pm
Featuring: Oscar Rousseaux, Afro-Cuban Musician & Carlo Gentile, Spoken-Word Artist, and Singer Luci Murphy. Dinner will be served. Admission $5
More bombs in Buenaventura / Otro atentado en Puerto
Latin American History Job at Rutgers
Applicants should send letter of application, curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching effectiveness including student evaluations, and three letters of recommendation as soon as possible to the address below. Simultaneous submission of available materials electronically is preferred (latcar@rci.rutgers.edu). Review of applications will begin on June 15th 2008 and continue until the position is filled.
Instructor Search
Department of Latino and Hispanic Caribbean Studies
235 Tillett Hall, Livingston Campus
53 Ave. E
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Piscataway, NJ 08554-8040
Futher information on the department may be found at http://latcar.rutger.edu
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer with a historic commitment to diversity and a strong interest in hiring scholars from historically under-represented ethnic and racial groups and female applicants.
IV Congreso Nacional de la Música - Ibagué
(Etnomusicología, ciencia y desarrollo)
Amigas y amigos, cordial saludo
El Conservatorio del Tolima “Universidad Musical de Colombia”, con sede en la ciudad de Ibagué, realizará del 3 al 8 de Junio la cuarta versión del Congreso Nacional de la Música-Etnomusicología, Ciencia y Desarrollo en concertación con el Ministerio de Cultura, la Gobernación del Tolima, la Alcaldía de Ibagué y la Universidad de Ibagué, un evento de tipo académico, en el cual se abordarán distintos ejes temáticos relacionados con la investigación, preservación, compilación y demás asuntos del quehacer musical colombiano.
Mayores informes: Conservatorio del Tolima, Calle 9 No 1-18 Ibagué, Tolima. Tel: (578) 2618526. Fax: (578) 2615378. www.conservatoriodeltolima.edu
Fecha - Lugar: Martes 3 de junio - Teatro Tolima
Evento: Concierto de “Los Gaiteros de San Jacinto”
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Fecha - Lugar: Miércoles 4 de junio – Salón Alberto Castilla
Hora – Evento: 9 a.m. Ana María Ochoa (Universidad de Columbia): “Sonido, Memoria y Conocimiento musical”
Hora – Evento: 11 a.m. Leonor Convers - Juan Sebastián Ochoa (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana): “Una propuesta metodológica para abordar el estudio de las músicas tradicionales en la academia”
Hora – Evento: 3 p.m. Fernando Gil Araque (Universidad EAFIT): “Los Congresos Nacionales de Música 1936 y 1937, la investigación musical en Colombia y sus implicaciones para la música nacional”
Lugar: Salón 2 – 6 del Edificio Bolivariano
Hora – Evento: 5 p.m. Apertura de la Exposición Instrumentarium
Lugar: Salón Alberto Castilla
Evento: Concierto del Sexteto “Cinco más uno” y el Ensamble “Trabuco”
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Fecha – Lugar: Jueves 5 de junio – Salón Alberto Castilla
Hora – Evento: 9 a.m. María Eugenia Londoño (Universidad de Antioquia): “Memoria y las músicas locales en una perspectiva de desarrollo humano"
Hora – Evento: 11 a.m. Ligia Vargas Navarro (Universidad del Tolima): “ La Comunidad Cósmica Andina y su Música”
Hora – Evento: 3 p.m. Humberto Galindo Palma (Conservatorio del Tolima) “Instrumentarium - Las culturas tradicionales vistas desde su organología musical”
Lugar: Salón Alberto Castilla
Evento: Coro y Estudiantina del Conservatorio del Tolima
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Fecha – Lugar: Viernes 6 de junio – Salón Alberto Castilla
Hora – Evento: 9 a .m. Jorge Sosa (Nueva Cultura): "Pedagogía del Acontecimiento: una experiencia de educación no formal para las músicas regionales en Colombia"
Hora – Evento: 11 a.m. Doris Arbelaez (Asesora de investigación en músicas tradicionales y populares - Plan Nacional de Música para la Convivencia. – Ministerio de Cultura) Dinámicas entre formación e investigación. Experiencias en escuelas de música tradicional.
Hora – Evento: 3 p.m. Hugo Candelario González (Fundación Bahía Trío): “Músicas de Marimba del Pacífico Colombiano”
Lugar: Salón Alberto Castilla
Evento: Concierto del Cuarteto Über dreißig
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Fecha – Lugar: Sábado 7 de junio – Salón Alberto Castilla
Hora – Evento: 9 a.m. Jaime Quevedo Urrea (Centro de Documentación Musical – Ministerio de Cultura): “Problemáticas de las memorias documentales del sonido. Algunos aspectos técnicos, documentales y jurídicos”
Hora – Evento: 11 a.m. Manuel Antonio Rodríguez (Universidad Santo Tomás) Conferencia ilustrada “Los Bailes cantados en el Caribe Colombiano” -Breve aproximación-
Hora – Evento: 3 p.m. Mesa redonda (Foro en asocio con la Dirección de Cultura del Departamento del Tolima. Moderador: Miguel Salavarrieta) “Perspectivas de investigación, gestión sobre patrimonio, tradición oral y músicas tradicionales en el Tolima”
Lugar: Teatro Tolima
Evento: Concierto Música y Danzas de la Tierra Sagrada “Grupo Danzas de Armero”
Hora: 7:30 p.m.
Fecha – Lugar: Domingo 8 de junio – Parque de la Música
Hora – Evento: 11 a.m. Retreta de la Banda Sinfónica del Conservatorio del
Información suministrada por el maestro Humberto Galindo Palma, coordinador del evento.
Cortesía de Manuel Antonio Rodríguez A. www.musicalafrolatino.com
Job in Mexican Sesame Street / Trabajo en Plaza Sésamo en México
Senior Education Specialist Part-time Consultancy
Plaza Sésamo
Sesame Workshop is a non-profit organization that utilizes the educational
power of media to help children achieve their highest potential.
The International Education, Research and Outreach (ERO) Department is
responsible for
• Developing curricula for international co-productions and ensuring
the educational integrity of all components of international projects;
• Overseeing and/or conducting research that serves the development of
educational materials (broadcast or otherwise) and that evaluates the impact
of those materials;
• Managing and directing international outreach efforts.
Since 1973, Plaza Sésamo, the Latin American version of Sesame Street, has
been promoting pre-school readiness, cognitive and social skills, and
healthy habits such as nutrition and physical activity to Spanish-speaking
audiences in both Latin America and the United States. Today the show airs
on terrestrial and cable channels throughout Latin America as well as in the
U.S. and Canada. The acclaimed Spanish-language television series for
preschool children depicts a colorful neighborhood, the Plaza, which is home
to a mix of families, children, and Muppets. Like its counterpart, Sesame
Street, the show intertwines animation, live action films, studio segments
and original music videos that support a whole-child educational curriculum
with key educational areas including: cognitive development, social
development, emotional development, and physical development. In 2008,
Plaza Sésamo celebrates its 35th anniversary.
The senior education specialist will report to the Sesame Workshop’s
Assistant Director of International Education, Research, and Outreach in New
York. The senior education specialist will work closely with our Mexican and
international partners, including co-managing and collaborating with the
Plaza Sésamo content specialist and will be responsible for executing the
following duties:
• Developing/advising on the series’ educational objectives;
• Locating and communicating with educational advisors for the
• Organizing and managing content seminars to refine the project’s
educational objectives;
• Working with ERO and production teams to create curricular plan for
season including providing curricular assignments by episode to writers;
• Reviewing scripts and materials to ensure educational integrity and
• Reviewing proposals and storyboard ideas for segments in
• Reviewing materials from a pre-developed library of live action
films, animations and other pieces, to determine their educational and
cultural appropriateness;
• Working with script writers to create rundowns (segment by segment
chart of each episode) that balance educational objectives and creative
themes across episodes and the entire series;
• Attending writers’ workshops, and other production meetings;
• Developing and maintaining relationships with project partners;
• Assisting in the management of community outreach initiatives;
• Assisting in the design and management of research conducted for the
project including formative research and impact evaluation;
• Assisting with the public interface of the project; attending
conferences, public relations and other events; contributing to approved
publications; serving, as needed, as educational spokesperson for the
• Co-managing Plaza Sésamo content specialist together with Assistant
Director of International Research;
• Providing other educational support to the education and research
and production teams, as needed.
Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Ilana
Umansky, Assistant Director of International Education, Research and
Outreach, at ilana.umansky@sesameworkshop
The candidate should be able to read, write, and speak Spanish and English
fluently and should have an advanced degree (master’s degree of doctorate)
in developmental psychology, education policy, curriculum development, early
childhood education, or a related field.
The ideal candidate will have prior work experience with young children, in
early childhood education, child media or communications, or child
development research.
The ability to meet deadlines under tight timelines, work independently and
as a team member are essential. Attention to detail and organization is a
Advanced knowledge of PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet is
required as are strong research and writing skills.
Candidate must have a flexible schedule and be available to work 15-25 hours
per week.
Residence in the Mexico City area is required.
Commensurate with experience.