"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."
Concierto de currulao en NY/Currulao concert in NY
Para celebrar la última clase del Conjunto de Marimba Afrocolombiana de la Universidad de Nueva York, clase que dirigí en este semestre acá el "Los Yores", vamos a tener un mini-concierto el martes 1 de mayo a las 6:15 en el Departamento de Música de NYU
- 24 Waverly Pl. Contamos con la presencia del marimbero Diego Obregón, bombero Maky López, y una pareja de baile conformado por Humberto Garcés y Mónica Rizo de Buenaventura. La entrada es gratis y son todos invitados. También, a las 9, vamos a hacer un toque en BAM Rose a las 9. Creo que también es gratos, so no vale como $5.
To celebrate the last class of the NYU Afrocolombian Marimba Ensemble, a clas that I led this last semester here in NY, we're going to have a mini-concert on Tuesday at 6:15 in the NYU Music Department - 24 Waverly Pl. Among the special guests will be marimbero Diego Obregón, bombero Maky López and dancers Humberto Garcés and Mónica Rizo. The event is free and everone is invited. We will also be playing at BAM Rose at 9, which I believe is also free; if not, it costs like 5 bucks.
Buenaventura cultural
Firstly, they're going to have a traditional canoe race in Buenaventura Bay.
Secondly, a lovely poem commemorating the memory of legendary figure in Afro-Pacific
folklore, Teófilo Potes, founder of the Bahía de la Cruz folkloric troupe, the first of its kind in the Pacific.
Esto de un viejo amigo y folklorista porteño muy reconocido, Hugo Montenegro Manyoma.
Primero, una carrera de potrillos (canoas tradicionales) en la Bahía de Buenaventura. Segundo un lindísimo poema en homenaje a Teófilo Potes, figura seminal en la historia de la cultura afropacífica y fundador del grupo Los de la Bahía de la Cruz, primer grupo folklórico en el Pacífico.
Buenaventura 25 de abril de 2007
Boletín de prensa. Nº 4 Eliminatoria Juanchaco
Con gran éxito se viene organizando la segunda eliminatoria de la
En la semana pasada fueron entregadas las propuestas comerciales, con
las ofertas publicitarias, teniendo la aceptación de empresas como
Apuestas Unidas, quien nos ofreció toda su infraestructura publicitaria y sus
puntos de ventas para realizar la promoción y difusión del evento,
que se llevara a cabo entre el 20 y 21 de mayo.
También en esta semana se definirán las vinculaciones de
Hidropacifico, Palladium discoteca, Centro comercial Bellavista, acuarios salón de
eventos, embarcaciones Asturias, cámara de comercio, inciva,
fundación Sociedad portuaria, cell digital, Publicar, BMA y otras importantes
Igualmente la coordinación de turismo realiza las solicitudes para el
apoyo de la fuerza pública y los organismos de socorro que se
encargaran de la seguridad y prevención del evento.
En los diferentes medios publicitarios como La pagina WWW. Labuenaventura.com.
Codisert –tele mar, pacifico siglo XXI, magazín eco
turístico, Yubarta TV y muchos programas y periodistas están informando los
avances de CANOATA PACIFICO 2007.
Esta semana en reunión con los concejos comunitarios de Juanchaco,
Ladrillero y la plata se realizo la programación y el recorrido para
enviar a la base Bahía Málaga, con el objeto de recibir su
El coordinador del evento en esta zona es el Profesor JARLING
SANTIESTEBAN quien esta incentivando a las instituciones educativas
para que se vinculen a este importante evento de trascendencia histórica
en el proceso de identidad cultural.
Agradecemos su apoyo y difusión para la CANOATA PACIFICO 2007 ¡no te
la puedes perder¡.
Informes Discomoda TEL 2418109 Celular 315-4211252. E-mail
A Teofilo R. Potes
Por: Lucrecia Panchano.
Silencio, tristísimo, amargo y doliente silencio
En homenaje póstumo al excelso y amado profesor
Cantares folclóricos . callad por un instante...
Que en honor del maestro, diga mas el mutismo,
Que no expandan los vientos el tan tan del tambor,
Enmudeced cununos, marimbas, bombos y guasáes .
No elevéis vuestra alegre plegaria de notas relevantes,
Callad, que ha mutado de vida el alma del folclor
Y ha legado a la historia lo mejor de si mismo.
Manos de negros fuertes . OH! Prodigiosas manos:
Voces con el ancestro del Africa lejana,
Callad... porque se ha ido quien dio en música amor
Se nos fue el negro Potes, síntesis de dignidad y honor
Callad...será solo un instante de silencio
Para honrar su memoria, ya que las palabras ; adjetivos
Y frases suenan vacías, carentes de expresión..
Y no podrían nunca revelar su natural nobleza,
Ni darían la medida exacta de la altura interior,
De la inmensa prestancia del magno y querido profesor.
Por eso el silencio es el mejor homenaje
Al mas digno exponente de su raza y su folclor
Cantares del universo, en tributo de grandeza.
Manos de negros fuertes, de nuevo tocad los instrumentos
Que suenen los guasàes que repiquen los bombos, que la marimba gima.
Que el cununo responda, al compás de currulaos, y tristes alabaos.
Folclor del mundo entonad los alegres cantares.
Llevad en cada nota un mensaje de alegría y amor.
Seguid, seguid pregonando los vernáculos cantos,
Las ancestrales notas, los autóctonos ritmos.
Toda esa herencia sagrada, que a la posteridad llegará
Teofilo R. Potes, el siempre recordado profesor
Teofilo R. Potes, insigne profesor.
Research Grant/Beca de Investigación
The Latin American Library at Tulane University is pleased to announce the Richard E. Greenleaf Library Fellowships to support research at the library. These fellowships are made possible through the generosity of Tulane emeritus professor and distinguished historian Dr. Richard E. Greenleaf. Their purpose is to offer researchers who permanently reside in any country of Latin America or the Caribbean short-term residential fellowships to use the resources of the Latin American Library at Tulane to conduct research in any field of the humanities or social sciences.
La Biblioteca Latinoamericana de la Universidad de Tulane se complace en anunciar que ha abierto el concurso para las becas de investigación Richard E. Greenleaf Estas becas son posibles gracias a la generosidad del Dr. Richard E. Greenleaf, profesor emérito de Tulane y distinguido historiador.. El propósito de las becas es ofrecer a investigadores que residen permanentemente en cualquier país de Latinoamérica o del Caribe una beca residencial a corto plazo que les permita utilizar los recursos de la Biblioteca Latinoamericana en Tulane para adelantar un proyecto de investigación en los campos de las humanidades o las ciencias sociales.
A Biblioteca Latino-Americana da Universidade de Tulane tem o prazer de anunciar a abertura do processo de inscrição para as Bolsas de Pesquisa Richard E. Greenleaf, possibilitadas pela generosidade do professor emérito e renomado historiador Dr. Richard E. Greenleaf. Seu objetivo é oferecer a pesquisadores, com residência permanente na América Latina ou Caribe, bolsas residenciais de curto prazo que permitam a utilização dos recursos da Biblioteca Latino-Americana da Universidade de Tulane em seus projetos de pesquisa em ciências humanas, sociais e literatura.
(Para)política y cultura en el Festival Leyenda Vallenata
Another attack in Buenaventura/Otro atentado en Puerto
Paisa baseball in USA?
The Exiled King of Chocó/El Rey Exiliado del Chocó
Este man es, como quien dice, mucho loco. Pero la auto-coronación del rey de "Barule" de este colombo-americano es, según el mismo mandatario, una manera de atraer atención a la situación en su nativo Chocó.
Official website of the Kingdom of Barule/Págine oficial del Reinado de Barule - (English & Spanish)
Artículo en El Tiempo
This dude might be stark raving mad. But his self-crowning as the king of "Barule" by this Colombian-American is, according to His Highness, a means of attracting attention to the plight of his native Chocó.
Hot Afro-Pacific Website/Página Afro-Pacífica Bacanísima
Some great resources (photos, recordings of various groups, video, descriptions, biography) on currulao and other Afro-Pacific music and culture, and even indigenous Pacific culture can be had at the web page of musician and promoter Maky López, director of Grupo Naidy. There's still a few kinks in the page, but there's some great stuff.
Taste and Sociality
(Lo siento - el artículo no se deja traducir al español. Malditos...)
Grupo Naidy
This is Grupo Naidy, one of the best-known currulao groups, at their winning participation in the Petronio Alvarez Festival of Music of the Pacific in Cali in 2000. This song is a canto de boga, "Delirio."
The popular juga "A mí me gusta mi camarón"/La popular juga "A mí me gusta mi camarón."
Colombia on the Radio
Emergencia Hunaitaria en El Charco y La Tola/Humanitarian Emergency in El Charco y La Tola
has only gotten worse. Of the 6,000 or so people that have taken refuge in the downriver towns of El Charco and La Tola fleeing the fighting between the military and the guerrillas, about 3,000 remain. Despite claims to the contrary, it is unclear whether the 3,000 who left have returned to their upriver homes or moved onto the the also precarious situation of displaced people in places like Buenaventura, Cali, and Tumaco. Before giving you the links to "information" about this, I want to let you know that I'll be participating in a fundraising event to get food and basic supplies to the people in El Charco and La Tola. It's on May 5th at the Wesley United Methodist Church in Washington D.C. Don't worry, aside from the musicologist, there will be music, too... I'll let you know more in a future post.
- A good summary (in Spanish) of the situation by El Tiempo/ Una buen resumen de la situación por El Tiempo: Link/Enlace
- An El Tiempo editorial (in Spanish)/Un editorial de El Tiempo: Link/Enlace
- An account of what's going on by the NG) Church World Service/Un relato de lo ocorrido (en inglés) de la ONG Church World Service: Link/Enlace
- UN Press Release urges the Colombian government to provide more attention ot the displaced/Emitida de prensa de la ONU recomienda al gobierno colombiano atender más a los deplazados (en inglés) Link/Enlace
La situación en el Pacífico Nariñense que mencioné hace algunos días sigue bastante crítico. De las 6.000 personas que habían tomado regugio en los pueblos del rió abajo - El Charco y La Tola, unas 3.000 siguen. Pero a pesar de lo que dicen en los medios, no es muy claro si los restantes 3.000 volvieron a sus veredas o si se fueron a Buenaventura, Cali, y Tumaco en calidad de desplazados. Tmabién les les cuento que voy a estar participando en un evento para recaudar fondos para los desplazados en El Charco/La Tola, el 5 de mayo en la Wesley United Methodist Church en la ciudad de Washington. Habrá música - si tienen chance, se los recomiendo para poder contribuir también.
Reggaetón tumaqueño
Mi favorito personal de los tumaqueños es Leka el Poeta. Él pega igual de duro en rap o en reggaetón, y tiene una creatividad para las tiraderas que hace se tiradera al grupo caleño Element Black mi favorita número uno de todas las tiraderas de la historia en cualquier idioma. No encontré video de ella, pero buscatela - hay una parte en que Leka logra simultaneamente entregar una tiradera bastante contundente, representar la comida colombiana ("más comida que la papa aburrajada"), sacar de la olla al lenguaje popular tumaqueño tradicional ("sos rebambuquiada") e inventar la palabra compuesta más ofensiva de la historia ("catredobletripleultrasuperhipermegatriplemalpariculillevada".)
Aparte de sus geniales tiraderas, aquí su disco bailable más pegado, titulado "Negra de trasero grande baila."
Here he is being uncharacteristically uncontroversial on the Jorge Barón show.
Aquí está con Jorge Barón.
Dos videos nuevos de Leka. Pero tengo que decir, para un man que dice de Element Black en su Tiradera que "lamben en copian a los puertoriqueños," es bastante irónico que estos dos videos copian a Don Omar (en el primero) y Daddy Yankee (en el sugundo). Pero bueno.
Anterior rival de Leka (rivalidad que produjo otra tiradera de parte de Leka), ahora reconciliado, es Misterioso, probablemente el favorito en Tumaco, con su grave voz estilo vieja guardia panameña/jamaiquina (pero da risa que en lo físico es un pelao flaquito). Mi disco favorito de Mistrerioso, "Culo llegue" no parece tener video, pero aquí hay otro disco bueno, "Guapetéalo."
El grupo tumaqueño más reconocido a nivel nacional es probablemente Master Boys, quienes escandalizaron el país con sus éxitos super-sensuales "La quemona" (sobre una mujer infiel) y Micaela (sobre una vírgen precoz quien va al médico para tratar una sensación extraña que siente). Los videos:
Finalmente, un duo más reciente, Brayman y el Negro José, con "Manitocao," advirtiendo las mujeres de la llegada de un pervertido en la pista. Lo cual muestra que el reggaetón sí tiene un estandar de decencia, y que el "Manitocao" pasa la raya...
Sabor tumaqueño en el Internet/Tumaco flavor on the net
I just found this nice little web page from the beautiful city of Tumaco on the Pacific coast. Link
Among other things, they have a page with music videos, from the Fania All-Stars in Africa to vallenato, as well as some good Tumaco reggaetón. (Tumaco is the legendary home of some of Colombia's best rap and reggaetón artists: Leka el Poeta, Master Boys, Misterioso, and others, which I'll write about in another post...)
Acabo de encontrar una página bacana sobre la lindísima ciudad de Tumaco, la Perla del Pacífico. Enlace
Entre otras cosas, tiene una página con videos de música, desde los Fania All-Stars en África
al vallenato actual, además del buen reggaetón tumaqueño. (Tumaco tiene unos de los mejores raperos colombianos, entre ellos Leka el Poeta, Master Boys, Misteriosos, y otros. En otro post escribiré un poco sobre ellos...)
Audiovisuality Conference/Conferencia Audiovisualidad
Brazilian Society for Cinema and Audiovisual Studies
XI Socine International Conference
October/Octubre 17 - 20, 2007
PUC -- Rio de Janeiro, RJBrazil
Shantytown technology/Tecnología del gueto
El viejísimo teclado sampling de 1987, el Casio SK-5 ha tenido una segunda vida en la costa caribeña colombiana, al lado de los drum pad DD de Yamaha, como vemos en este video de un picó colombiano, El Escorpión, si no estoy mal.
Back from the technological Stone Age, the venerable Casio SK-5 (c. 1987) has come to live a second life in champeta music played by picó sound systems from the Colombian Caribbean coast, alongside Yamaha's redoubtable DD series of drumpads.
Música urbana ghanaiana/Ghanaian urban music
We all know that Ghanaian postal workers can get down (if you don't, check this out.) With old car horns, boxes, metal parts, and their own voices, the members of Accra's bus driver's union make music at the funeralas of the their members. This is some crazy stuff and musically fascinating. Recorded by good old Steve Feld, who I see has been immortalized in Wikipedia. I like Kpanlogo Por Por Medley in particular, and Por Por Akwaaba gives a pretty good idea of the horn sound.
Folkloric Music Conference in UK
British Forum for Ethnomusicology
Annual Conference
International Centre for Music Studies
Newcastle University
April 18-21, 2007
Desplazamientos en el Pacífico nariñense/Displacements in the southern Pacific
Otro enlace
The International Red Cross, Medecins san Frontiers ICRC, the Catholic Pastoral department and the governmental agency Social Action are coordinating efforts to cope with a major displacement of thousands of people in Nariño. According to reports hundreds of families from the municipalities of El Charco, La Tola, Magui, Payan and Policarpa fled the rural areas as a result of the sustained combats between the FARC, the ELN and Colombian Marines. According to the acting governor in the department, Maria Ines Bacca, the situation is critical and there is an early alert for a displacement in another four municipalities in the area, Caracol radio reports. The Diocese of San Andres de Tumaco in Nariño department reports that their Pastoral Care office and other institutions such as social, indigenous, humanitarian and human rights organizations in the department received a threat via internet on the 20th of March from a presumed paramilitary group called ‘Organization New Generation’ (ONG). The diocese rejects the threats, and calls for the resolution of the grave situation in this part of the Pacific Coast because of the increased number of selective killings, disappearances, massacres and displacement in the region. According to the latest reports from the Diocese, 837 families, a total of 4,823 persons, were displaced from the rural hamlets of Taija, El Hojal and San Francisco, in the municipalities of El Charco and La Tola, fleeing from a battle between the Army’s 10th Infantry Marine Battalion and the 29th Front of the FARC, US-based Colombia Support Network (CSN) reports. The grapevine says that the displaced people from El Charco are from the lower part of the river - those from the upper part of the river are prevented from leaving by the army (to avoid FARC fighters from slipping away) as medical supplies and food are prevented from entering by the FARC (which fears army infiltration), and local people's movement (for example to farm or fish) is totally prohibited by both groups, which means that even as some locals are displaced from their land, others are effectively displaced while still on their land...
El País, Cali's newspaper, matter-of-factly blames the whole thing on the drug war, which seems right. (Link, translated).
Link (translated)
Encuentro Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones Musicales
El reactable es un instrumento musical electrónico multiusos con un interface tablero. Varios ejecutantes simultáneos comparte todo el control completo sobre el instrumento moviendo objetos físicos en una superficie luminosa de la tabla. Moviendo y relacionando estos objetos, que representan los componentes de un sintetizador modular clásico, usuarios pueden crear topologías sonoras complejas y dinámicas, con los generadores, filtros y moduladores, en una clase de sintetizador modular tangible o de lenguaje de programación de corriente regulada aprehendible. Este instrumento está siendo desarrollado por un equipo de los luthiers digitales (Sergi Jordà, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Günter Geiger y Marcos Alonso), en el grupo de la tecnología de la música dentro del Universitat Pompeu Fabra en Barcelona, España.
Becas para académicos
Monday, April 16, 2007 Application deadline
The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Social Science
Research Council (SSRC) are pleased to announce fellowships for scholars from
the Americas (North, Central, South, and the Caribbean) to visit and engage in
collaborative activities with members of ESRC-supported projects in Britain,
or for British scholars at ESRC-supported projects to visit collaborators in
the Americas, between June 2007 and September 2008. Approximately eighteen
research fellowships of up to $9,500 will be awarded.
Eligibility: Applicants from the Americas should have received a Ph.D in one
of the social sciences (including history) by the time the proposed visiting
fellowship would start. They should have been based in the country from which
they are applying for at least two years before the application deadline of
April 16, 2007. This fellowship is open to scholars from Antigua and Barbuda,
Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile,
Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El
Salvador, Great Britain, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica,
Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia,
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, United
States, Uruguay, and Venezuela.
Goals of the fellowship: The ESRC and the SSRC have a common mission of
promoting, funding, and disseminating important and socially useful knowledge
in the social sciences. This is the fourth round of a scheme designed to
encourage communication and cooperation between social scientists in Great
Britain and the Americas, and to explore and develop possibilities for future
exchanges to be organized by the ESRC and the SSRC.
Conference - 19th Century Latin America
Political History on Nineteenth Century Latin America
Columbia University, New York City, May 4-5, 2007
This symposium will bring together historians
from Latin America and the United States to
present some of the most exciting current
research within Latin American history. Recent
political historiography, particularly that of
the turbulent decades after independence, has
been characterized by innovative approaches to
old questions about nation building,
institutional legitimacy, and political culture.
Panels will highlight prominent conceptual
categories such as hegemony and subalternity,
state-formation, the public sphere and civil
society, liberalism and republicanism.
Participants will address key approaches to questions of political
culture, elite and popular politics, and the
connections of political history to intellectual, cultural, and social history.
New NACLA report on immigration out
The anti-immigration movement: As Solana Larsen shows, this movement is a complex, decentralized web that both private and public power, from the white supremacist fringe to the halls of Congress. It not only musters popular support and helps to foster a general anti-immigrant climate, but it also raises millions of dollars to advance its policy goals in Washington.
The detention of Immigrants: As Forrest Wilder reports, immigration authorities have launched a crackdown, arresting undocumented people, including families with children, and jailing them indefinitely. This has ramped up demand for facilities, giving rise to a nationwide “detention archipelago”a series of detention centers largely run for profit by companies contracted by the government.
The truth about day laborers: Anti-immigrant activists have targeted urban day laborers, most of them Latino immigrants, as they congregate looking for work. Drawing on a national survey of day laborers, Abel Valenzuela Jr. demolishes five of the most pernicious myths about them and discusses the National Day Laborer Organizing Network’s successes in protecting these workers’ rights.
Labor and Latino immigrants: The massive immigrant protests last year took many by surprise, but they were made possible by more than a decade of immigrant labor organizing in California. Now immigrant workers, including the undocumented, are poised to reinvigorate the ailing U.S. labor movement. And with a new wave of naturalizations and voter registrations, the consequences at the ballot box could be substantial.
Black-brown tension: Ever since the U.S. Census announced in 2000 that Latinos would overtake African Americans as the largest national minority, pundits have been warning of a virtual war between the communities. Rene P. Ciria-Cruz argues that in South Los Angeles, where “black-brown tension” has erupted in violence, old-fashioned organizing has helped resolve conflicts and build unity.
With a newly Democratic-controlled Congress the U.S. is on the road to a potential immigration compromise, but it’s clear that the battle for comprehensive change in U.S. policy is far from over. We hope this Report provides the information and analysis that progressive stakeholders in this debate need to keep up the fight.
La Muerte del Album/The Death of the Album
(Lástima, el New York Times no se deja traducir...)
Vírgenes viajeras/Travelling Maries
Website: http://www.hemisphericinstitute
Meeting of Working Group Members
The following events are free and open to the public.
2:00 PM (Auditorium)
Panel:La virgen se fue de mojada: Migrating Devotions Across Borders
Screening of short film clips including Celebrating the virgin in "la mala vecindad" by, Elva Elisabeth Bishop and Altha Cravey, as well as “Lupe & JuanDi from the Block” by FULANA (www.fulana.org)., Presentation by Joel Magallán, Executive Director of Asociación Tepeyac de New York (www.tepeyac.org), Moderated by Alyshia Gálvez.
6:00 PM (Auditorium)
A conversation with Jean Franco and Renato Rosaldo, with story-telling by Pedro Lasch
Artist Pedro Lasch will launch the evening’s events by telling a story, La virgen más…
Distinguished scholars Jean Franco and Renato Rosaldo will respond to the story and to each other in an informal conversation touching on the topics of religion, globalization, local religiosities, Marianism, migration and dueling virgins…
7:00 PM
Reception to celebrate the new release of Performing Religion in the Americas: Media, Politics, and Devotional Practices of the 21st Century.
Un conjunto koreano toca el Canon de Pachelbel en gayageum con beatbox, DJ y breakdance. Bueno para las clases de etnomusicología?
Theorizing Performance/Performing Scholarship
Special Events & Conferences
Tenth Annual Music GSIM Symposium:
Theorizing Performance/Performing Scholarship
The City University of New York Graduate Students in Music (GSIM)
Saturday, 21 April 2007 CUNY Graduate Center, New York City
Keynote Speaker:
ELISABETH LE GUIN Associate Professor of Musicology at the University of California at Los Angeles
The CUNY Graduate Center's Music Ph.D.-D.M.A. programs invite you to attend its Tenth Annual Graduate Students in Music symposium (CUNY GSIM 10), Theorizing Performance/Performing Scholarship, on Saturday, April 21st, 2007 at the CUNY Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY
between 34th & 35th Streets.
Keynote speaker Elisabeth Le Guin has taught at UCLA since 1997. Her book Boccherini's Body: an Essay in Carnal Musicology, was published by the University of California Press in January 2006. Her current project is on musical theater in 18th-century Madrid. Before beginning her academic career Dr. Le Guin was a free-lance Baroque cellist in the lively Early Music scene in California. She is a founding member of Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and the Artaria String Quartet, and appears in over 40 recordings. She continues to perform nationally and internationally, and this double career has permitted her to develop the idea, fundamental to her work, of musicology as a perpetual dialogue between theory and practice.
Nuevo/New CD: The Golden Age of Discos Fuentes/La Era Dorada de Discos Fuentes
Una buena mezcla ded Soundways - cumbia, Afro-pop, salsa y (como dicen los cartageneros) hasta más!
1 Fruko y sus Tesos Salsa Na Ma (4:13)
2 Lito Barrientros y su Orguesta Cumbia En Do Menor (2:45)
3 Michi Sarmiento y sus Bravos Honk Kong (3:52)
4 La Sonora Clenaguera La Piojosa (2:58)
5 Fruko y sus Tesos Improvisando (3:50)
6 Latin Brothers, The Patrona De Los Reclusos (6:13)
7 Wganda Kenya Tiffit Hayed (3:40)
8 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros Fandando En Percusion (2:45)
9 Orquesta Nunez La Samaria (2:57)
10 Los Corraleros de Majagual El Mondongo (10:13)
11 Fruko y sus Tesos A La Memoria Del Muerto (4:21)
12 Michi Sarmiento y sus Bravos La Primavera (2:16)
13 Wganda Kenya Elyoyo (4:07)
14 Lucho Bermudez Gaita De Las Flores (2:52)
15 El Sexeto Miramar Cumbiamba (2:32)
16 Michi Sarmiento y sus Bravos Mirame San Miguel (2:42)
17 Pedro Laza y sus Pelayeros La Picua (2:50)
18 Climaco Sarmiento y su Orquesta La Pata Y El Pato (2:43)
19 Latin Brothers, The Las Caleñas Son Como Los Flores (3:55)
20 Afrosound Pacifico (2:44)
Colombia Creative Commons
A Creative Commons movement in Colombia. Link
Primitive computer technology on 1980s British LPs/Tecnología primitiva para computador en LPs Británicos de los 80
Organ Trade Symposium
Why should an ethnomusicologist care about the organ trade in South Asia? Exchange, exchange, exchange, baby. Political economy, the trajectory of commodities, the social life of things, social networks,
etc. This is all stuff that we have not looked at when dealing with music recording and distribution. So...
The NYU Critical Perspectives on South Asia Series, the Department of
Anthropology, and the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality
Lawrence Cohen
Department of Anthropology
University of California, Berkeley
"Two Reflections on Operable Life:
Anthropological Surgery and Bodily Commitment"
Thursday, April 12th
5:00-6:30 pm
Room 300 Silver Center
100 Washington Square East
Since 1997 Lawrence Cohen has studied and written about the global
in transplant organs, with a focus on understanding emergent practices
rendering specific populations "bioavailable" to others. In this talk,
Cohen takes his work on operability in two new directions. He begins to
attempt a genealogy of surgical reason over the twentieth century.
Cohen turns to the frequently offered linkage in his south Indian
fieldwork (or the refusal of a linkage) between selling a kidney and
"prostitution," to ask how different kinds of givings over the body
to be articulated in relation to one another.
Heavy-hitters at NYC music conference
Fordham University announces a two-day international conference, "Musical Meaning and Human Values: A Colloquium with Lawrence Kramer," to be held at the university's Lincoln Center Campus, 113 W. 60th Street, New York, New York, on Friday and Saturday, May 4 and 5, 2007. The conference is free and open to the public. Featured speakers include Walter Bernhart (University of Graz), Marshall Brown (University of Washington), Keith Chapin (Fordham University), Peter Franklin (Oxford University), Walter Frisch (Columbia University), Lawrence Kramer (Fordham University), Richard Leppert (University of Minnesota), and Susan McClary (UCLA). For further information, please go to the conference web page, www.fordham.edu/musiccolloquium, or contact Stephanie Pietros at: pietros at fordham.edu.