"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."


Becas de Viaje para Investigación

Becas de Viaje para Investigación
LILLAS - Colección Latinoamericana Nettie Lee Benson
Convocatoria para el período académico 2011–2012

El Instituto Teresa Lozano Long
de Estudios Latinoamericanos (LLILAS) y la Colección Latinoamericana Benson de la Universidad de Texas en Austin tienen el placer de anunciar la siguiente convocatoria para investigadores de México y Centroamérica.

A partir del año 2011, LLILAS y la Colección Benson otorgarán un máximo de siete becas para
llevar a cabo investigación en las importantes colecciones de manuscritos, libros, y otros materiales relacionados con México y Centroamérica que alberga la Colección Benson de la Universidad de Texas en Austin.

La beca está dirigida a investigadores con título de Doctorado y profesionales de museos de arte o instituciones de investigación con sustancial experiencia profesional; así como estudiantes mexicanos y centroamericanos en trayectoria de doctorado. Cada beca consiste en un máximo de $3,000 dólares, los cuales pueden ser utilizados para cubrir gastos de transporte aéreo y alojamiento.

Los interesados deberán remitir su solicitud antes del 25 de marzo de 2011 a las oficinas del LLILAS. Para más detalles visite:


O, contacte a Gail Sanders (g.sanders@austin.utexas.edu), Coordinadora del Centro Mexicano de LLILAS. Teléfono 512.232.2423.


Miércoles de cine en la Corp-oraloteca en Quibdó...

El próximo miércoles 16 de febrero comienza miércoles de cine!

Este es un espacio que abre la
Corp- Oraloteca de la Licenciatura en Música y Danzas de la Universidad Tenológica del Chocó "Diego Luis Córdoba", con el fin de ofrecer a toda la comunidad universitaria y a la ciudad de Quibdó en general, acceso a diferentes géneros cinematográficos.

6:30 p.m.
Bloque 11 primer piso
Universidad Tenológica del Chocó "Diego Luis Córdoba"

La primera película que presentaremos en este espacio es "Contracorriente" del director Javier Fuentes León.


Ethno job in New Zealand

Lectureship in Pacific Music and World Music and/or Popular Music

Please find below details of a position we are advertising at the University of Otago, New Zealand. The appointee will be a specialist in Pacific Music and World Music and/or Popular Music, and will join a flourishing department that offers musical diversity across teaching, research and performance. Otago has developed strengths in the fields of ethnomusicology and popular music at all levels of teaching and in research, and the appointee will help consolidate these areas. Informal enquiries are welcome to Professor Henry Johnson, Head of Department (henry.johnson@otago.ac.nz)

The Lecturer in Music is expected to contribute to the research and teaching efforts of the Department. The appointee will be a specialist in the area of Pacific Music and in addition will also be expected to teach in the area of World Music and/or Popular Music. The Department is strengthening its offerings in these areas and the position requires advanced knowledge of relevant theoretical issues and culture areas. Candidates are advised to assess other areas within the Department to which they might be able to contribute. Administrative duties will be agreed upon in consultation with the Head of Department. A completed PhD is required, as well as proven potential for distinguished scholarship and effective teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The Department of Music offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees within a musically diverse curriculum. Pacific music is an established area in the Department, which includes strong links with Pacific Studies and related fields, and the successful applicant would support this field in teaching and research. The successful applicant will also be supportive to colleagues and students across the whole range of the department’s work, willing to participate in interdisciplinary activities in research and teaching, and a good contributor to the strategic and detailed planning of the Department’s work.