"Dame dame dame, que te voy a dar ... una guayabita de mi guayabal."


Ethno conference in Peru/Conferencia etnomusicológica en el Perú

Welcome to Peru
To The International Symposium 2007

Unveiling Society’s Secrets: An In-Depth
Analysis of the Culture of the Americas

The International Symposium 2007, have the pleasure to salute you and invite you to participate in this important event that will take place in Miraflores, Lima, Peru, between the 14th to the 17th of February 2007. The new date of this Symposium includes paper presentation, invited speakers, and special discussion sessions.
The Graduate School of the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias
Humanas from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, as the organizing institution of the the Symposium, feels honoured of being able to receive Professors and Graduate students of the Américas and hopes to share four days of academic work and social encounter.

Keynote Address
by Dr. Ruth Shady, the World Famous Peruvian Archeologist who Discovered the Oldest City in the Americas: Caral, Peru

Keynote Speakers
Professor: Dr. Raul Romero. Ethnomusicology, Harvard University
Professor: Dr. Edyl Mego. Art. UNAM
Professor: Dr. Bartholomew C. Dean, Harvard University

Themes for the conference will focus primarily:
Andean Ethnomusicology
Peruvian pre-Hispanic Musical Instruments through Time
The oldest
civilization of America: Caral, Peru

CALL FOR PAPERS (Spanish or English)
Proposals on any other topics relevant to the following fields are also welcome.

  • Peruvian ethnomusicology.
  • Peruvian pre-Hispanic musical instruments.
  • Andean music ethnography
  • Social use of the musical instruments from the Pre- Inca to the Inca times.
  • Aesthetic valuation of the Peruvian pre-Hispanic musical instruments.
  • Synchronous Study and social use of the musical instruments from Pre-Inca to the Inca times.
  • Iconography in ceramic musical instruments of the pre-Columbian cultures.
  • Iconography on the centuries old music of the Peruvian Andes to contemporary times.
  • Andean popular dances.
  • Caral Supe.
  • Social anthropology, critical theory, kinship, politics, exchange, symbolic forms, social change/ development and human rights in Peruvian Amazonia.(Loreto/San Martin)
  • Rights, power and cultural survival in Indigenous Amazonia..
  • Amazonian Peoples: Cultural, medical and tradition survival.
  • Kinship
  • The Urarina People of Upper Amazonia

Organizing Committee:
Dr. Marcos Matos, Dean of Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Dr. Martha Irene Barriga Tello, Director of Post-Graduate School
of the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Lic. Esther Espinoza Espinoza, Professor Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas

Scientific Committee:
Dr. Raúl Romero Cevallos
Dr. Edyl Mego Benites
Dr. Bartholomew C. Dean.
Composer Maestro Enrique Iturriaga, ex director of the UNMSM School of Art and the National Conservatory of Music. Emeritus Professor at both Institutions.
Composer Maestro Seiji Asato Asato, Professor of National Conservatory of Music.


  • The deadline for intent to participate is: November 30, 2006
  • The deadline for submission of abstracts is: December 15, 2006 (*)

(*) Please see special instructions under Abstracts

Abstracts are welcome for oral presentation (20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion). Please send 2 copies with your name and address via email to:

Dr. Marcos Goldfarb postgrado.symposium2007@yahoo.com
Dr. Martha Barriga Tello upg_l@hotmail.com

PLEASE NOTE: There is room for many individual proposals in special sessions, unrelated to the colloquia.

Organizing Institution:

Unidad de Post Grado de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas
Avenida Dos de Mayo 536, Miraflores 19, Lima, Peru

Symposium Details and Registration Form

Please click on the appropriate link below, which will give you further details on the Symposium, registering and accommodation.
Both the registration form and accommodation detail are available for you to download.


Contact people:
Please feel free to communicate with Dr. Marcos Goldfarb if you are interested in submitting an abstract for our Symposium: “Unveiling Society’s Secrets: An In-Depth Analysis of the Culture of the Americas”.
f your research is not related to the general themes but you might be interested in presenting an abstract at this conference, definitely see the list of other POSSIBLE TOPICS being held at the Symposium.

Coordinator academic and administrative affairs:
Dra. Martha Barriga Tello: Director of Post-Graduate School
of the Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas


Abstract information, Registration, Accomodation and Transport:
Dr. Marcos Goldfarb e-mail: inkanations@att.net and/or postgrado.symposium2007@yahoo.com

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
The UNMSM has been recognized throughout its 450 years in Peruvian history as an innovative, public institution that prepares the future leaders of this country. It was founded in 1551 and it is the oldest university in the world and the oldest in America. It was chartered by a royal decree signed by Charles I of Spain. Over 50,000 students who have participated in an extremely competitive entrance exam attend the UNMSM to persue degrees in over 100 academic fields.

Information on this website is preliminary, and is subject for change.
We also encourage everyone to book their lodgings as early as possible.

Before or after the conference there are many possibilities for excursions and visits:
1) A three nights four days group excursion to Cusco and Machu Picchu
2) A two days one night group excursion to Nazca Lines.
3) Museo de Arqueologia y Antropologia de San Marcos: La Casona de San Marcos

Meetings are open to professor and graduate students from all parts of the world without restriction. We welcome proposals that should not exceed 20 minutes in duration, complete panels, including round table discussions.
Since this International Symposium focuses on discussion, we explicitly encourage participation even without formal presentation.


Date: As soon as possible
Participants with or without Paper presentation: us$ 200.00
Accompanying persons: us$ 50.00
Faculty and students UNMSM: s/ 70.00 (Caral and Dinner show extra)
Faculty and students Universidades Nacionales del Peru: s/150.00 (Caral and Dinner show extra)
In case of non attendance, the Organizing Committee will not be able to return the Registration Fees paid.
Method of Payment: In order to avoid transfer charges in USA and Peru the Committee suggested to make an initial deposit us$50.00 dollars payable to:
Marcos Goldfarb, Account No..
First Republic Bank

1200 Prospect St. La Jolla, California 92037
Balance to be paid by cash (dollars or soles) during Registration day to
Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas UPG
Faculty and students from UNMSM and Peruvian universities may pay directly to:
Unidad de Post Grado de la Facultad de Letras y Ciencias Humanas

Avenida Dos de Mayo 536, Miraflores, Lima, Peru


Música colombiana en Nueva York/Colombian Music in New York

Hay varios grupos colombianos buenos en NY - y van a tener su IV Encuentro el 12 de noviembre, el domingo.
There are a bunch of great bands in NY - and they're having their fourth annual Encuentro on November 12, Sunday!
The groups/Los grupos:

Folklore Urbano jazz fusion - you gotta hear they're cumbia version of Monk's "Well You Needn't"
Coba (not the Correction Officers' Benevolent Association but guitarist and arranger Sebastían Cruz's rock/jazz fusion project),
electro-folk chanteuse Lucía Pulido,
neo-traditional gaiteros La Cumbiamba Eneyé,
virtuoso harpist Edmar Castañeda,
the renowned Latin jazz pianist Hector Martignon
conguero Samuel Torres

Propiedad Intelectual y Música en Brasil/Intellectual Property and Music in Brazil

Desde que Gilberto Gil asumió el puesto de Ministerio de Cultura en Brasil, con una perspectiva bastante populista sobre el asunto de propiedad intelectual, las grandes empresas discográficas han estado por pelearselo. Ahora, parece que ya están sacando los machetes. La International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) tuvo una reunión en Brasil y no dejó entrar unos profesores brasileiros. Mientras tanto, uno puede ver que los brasileiros comunes y corrientes no paran ni bolas a estas mega-empresas y ya tienen sus propias maneras de difundir y consumir su música, como muestra Hermano Vianna. De todas maneras, para los que quieren expresar a la IFPI su oposición a la restricción de la libre circulación de la cultura, hay una petición para firmar. Yo sí la firmé - me parece una ridiculez que los supuestos dueños de nuestra cultura van en contra del derecho de las personas de participar en lo que han creado.

Ever since Gilberto Gil took over as Brazilian Minister of Culture, with a populist perspective on the subject of intellectual property, the big record companies have been itching for a fight. Now they've fired a shot over the bow. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI) had some kind of meeting in Brazil and refused to allow some Brazilian professors to enter. Meanwhile, it's pretty esasy to see that regular Brazilians coulsn't give a rat's butt about these music mega-corporations and already have their own ways of distributing and consuming their music, as Hermano Vianna's excellent article shows us. At any ratem if you feel like you want to express to the IFPI that you're opposed to their restriction of the free circulation of culture, there's a petition you can sign. I did - it seems absurd that the supposed owners of our culture are going to oppose the right of people to participate in what they've created.



This gap-toothed little kid with gigantic sunglasses (the caption says, incongruously, "Shark Vision") gets down to some good old fashioned champeta.

Este pelaito chimuelo con sus gafotas "Shark Vision" sí tira paso de champeta!

Open letter on race, class and cultural policy/Carta abierta sobre clase, raza y política cultural

Esta carta es del colombiano Lucas Silva de Palenque Records, que promociona lo afrocolombiano en París. It complains about racism and classism in Colombian cultural policy.

This letter is from Lucas Silva, Colombian head of Palenque Records, which promotes afrocolombian stuff in Paris. Señala racismo y clasismo en la política cultural colombiana.


San Pacho.com!

This might not be a big deal for those of you who are reading in English - here in the States, everybody and their grandmother has a website, but for the Chocó to have a presence on the web is a big deal. This site, www.sanpacho.com, is all about the biggest craziest party in the world, the San Pacho (Saint Francis's local nickname) festival in Colombia's black province of the Chocó. Go check it out, and then go to San Pacho next year.

Oye, pero aquí en EE.UU., todo el mundo y su abuela tiene una página internet, pero gran cosa que existe ahora www.sanpacho.com desde el Chocó para promocionar su gran rumbón. Ojalá algun día, el festival de música tradicional más importante que tiene Colombia, el Petronio Álvarez, se organice lo suficiente para montar una vaina de estas...

War and the female body in Colombia/Guerra y el cuerpo de la mujer en Colombia

An excellent, and very sad article.

Artículo excelente, y bastante triste.

Coca en el Pacífico caucano/Coca in the Pacific

Si alguien, a pesar del descubrimiento el año pasado que unos oficiales de la Marina estaban enviando drogas de la zona de Guapi-Timbiquí, no se ha enterado de lo que está pasando en la costa caucana, que hasta tiempos relativamente recientes estaba más o menos libre de los actores armados y el cultivo ilícito, ya estamos viendo su absorpción en la trágica situación colombiana. Ahora, incautaron materiales para el procesamiento de la coca en una lancha saliendo de Buenaventura rumbo a Timbiquí. Eso obviamente obstaculiza el trabajo de campo en la zona, pero hasta más preocupante es el efecto que la plata fácil y la inevitable militarización de la Marina y los otros actores, podrían tener para la gente y la cultura. Muy triste.

If last years' bust of the Navy sending drugs out of Guapi and Timbiquí didn't clue anyone in to what's going on in the Pacific coast of the department of Cauca (location of Guapi and Timbiquí), which until fairly recently was relatively free of armed actors or coca-growing, we're now seeing the absorption of this region into the tragic Colombian situation. Now, the government has seized a boat with coca-processing chemicals leaving Buenaventura for Timbiquí. This obviously effects fieldwork there, but even more worrisome is the effect that easy money and the inevitable militarization by the Navy and the other actors could have on the people and the culture of the zone. Very sad.

Comer en Nueva York sigue siendo más barato que en Tokio, Londres o París/It's cheaper to eat in New York than Tokyo, London or Paris

I don't know but 40 bucks a meal seems pretty expensive to me. I'm already tired of how expensive this city is - I've been in the city for a month and I've barely gone out at all. It may be cheaper than Tokyo, London or Paris, but jeez 5%?!

Yo no sé pero 40 chavos una comida me parece bastante caro. Ya estoy mamado de lo caro que es esta ciudad - llevo un mes aquí y casi no he salido casi nada. Puede ser que es más barata que Tokio, Londres o París, pero por Dios, 5% de aumento?!
